As of now, in order to get full knowledge in a profession, I believe we divest different trees to different characters in order to get everything on a same profession faster.
F.i. for blacksmithing, I have one character that specializes in alloys, another in profession tools, one in armorsmithing and one in weaponsmithing.
Sure, I need to level up all 4 characters to lvl 100 skill to get the max proficiency (with the best tools ofc), and sure, trees add to one another in the overal skill.
However, this divesting is odd.
Wouldn’t it be easier, instead of relogging on every character to get the best out of something, to warband these things together somehow?
You could have all characters with a same profession contribute to the warband knowledge pool of that profession (because that’s the system you have now, except we use alts to get there), and maybe profession skill trees would be the same for every character, except with a lot more knowledge available. That way you’d also force a little diversity, instead of everyone just creating 4 alts to get it all anyways.
The alternative I think is you uncap profession knowledge points, because I’ve never seen the point of that, except you believing in some silly player retention metric.
Not that a full knowledge tree needs to be feasible in the first few weeks, but more that we have the liberty to grind whenever we want to and meaningfully contribute to the knowledge trees in doing so.