Warband question!

1 Thing i dont understand and cant find it online,are you forced that all your chars from the warband patch are lvling together? Because i love lvling alts seperate. I prefer not that if i lvl my main that all my alts getting xp/lvl’s too.

Sorry if this is the wrong location but couldt find anywhere where i can ask this beside here.

Warbands are just the way Blizzard have phrased account bound progression. You have to level each individual character.

They will share certain things, there will be a bank shared between them, you will be able to gain some gear for your alts on your main that you can bank for them (this lowers the ilvl in the process), most reps are account wide now etc. Transmog will be easier to collect as any character will be able to unlock the transmog appearances for alts regardless of armour type (tier tokens are excluded).

Your four favourite characters will appear on your login screen round a camp fire.

Ah oke,because so many youtubers are claiming your alts are getting XP boost or that the 4 chars on the new char menu all lvl together etc. SO i was very confused with that XD

I like lvling alts or els if they all lvl togeth whats the point at all anymore for alts XD

From the announced information it seems that each max level character gives a stacking XP bonus to other characters, much like heirlooms used to give. It is not flat XP so you still need to level the alts, they just level faster based on the bonus.

Obviously since it’s alpha it is possible things change before the release.

That is different, it has been datamined that you will get an increase in XP gain but you still have to level your alts. For every level 80 character it increases by 5% up to a maximum of five characters, so 25%.

Time will tell if this is something that is going to be included. Many things that are datamined never come to pass.

I sort of hope they give us the option to turn it off as well. Ever since they whent from 120 lvl’s to 70 again you can alrady lvl up mega fast compare to before so. To get even more XP boost will take the fun out of a alt lvling for me atleast :stuck_out_tongue:

You can always turn off XP gains and enable it later when you want to finish levelling.

Wait realy even now? How do you do this? I jsut came back 2 months ago so XD

Only up to level 59.
You talk to these NPCs
Horde: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=35364/slahtz
Alliance: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=35365/behsten

So you can get to 59, disable XP, still use chromie time and do everything before you want to continue in DF. Everything will scale to 59 and you can queue for that expansion’s dungeons. You won’t be able to solo the raids without turning it off but you can do that, solo the raid (bar BfA and a little trouble with Legion) and turn it back on.