Warbandbank Items cant be used for Craftingorders

while you can use materials from your materialstorage in the bank for crafting order fulfillment or crafting order positioning you cant use your items on the warbandbank for it. But I can use the items to craft without anything not crafting order related?? Please fix this.


Hey LafĂ diel,

I can confirm that our developers are already aware of this issue, and are currently working on a fix. If you encounter another bug in-game, please do report it to our developers, and they’ll be able to check this out for you. :slight_smile:

Bug fixes are usually published in our Hotfix blogs and patch updates, which can be found in the News section of the main site.

Thank you!


Eta on fix: march 2025?


Soon <tm>

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Are they the same devs working on the guild vault fix? :stuck_out_tongue:


I trust it will be enabled for profession gathering weeklies as well. To avoid the whole “you’ve got this item oh no you don’t have this item” situation.

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:pleading_face: it really sucks because i use 7 chars… and they all need filled bags now…


That’s great, I’m glad it’s a bug and not an oversight as it’s extremely annoying right now.

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Any News? Please fix this fast :frowning:


This seems to be happening for some items in my own bank too … I had some materials in my resources tab of my own character’s bank, and it showed they were available when I went to craft (ie, where it shows the number of materials available), but wouldn’t let me actually craft, with the craft button greyed out. I had to go fetch the items from my bank in order to craft.

Seems like this is something they have just completely forgot about. this is also the only place where it is mentioned that it is a known issue.
It has not been added to the ingame list over known issues.

Tbh a bit fustrating that they acknowledge something but never follow up on it. has now been over 20 days since. and nothing.

How can this issue STILL be unfixed? Its one of the new features of TWW, and somehow this bug persists even after a whole fudging month.
Ever wednesday, and every time i want to do crafting orders for others, this stuff annoys me to death.
Fix, or at least, adress it, blizz.

I don’t think that “known issues” list is particularly accurate - they just put on there what they want, not a full list of known issues. For example all the guild vault items that have gone missing … that’s been ongoing since the start of the expansion - it was on the “known issues” list briefly, but then they removed it, along with the support article about it. It hasn’t been fixed. There’s no ETA to a fix, yet it’s still been removed.

Perhaps “known issues” is just for things they’re actually working on, and think they’ll have fixed soon?

You wanna maybe give some form of an ETA? We’re almost a month into the expansion

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No more info about that ? It’s kinda annoying…

This issue is making me hate the game.

This is hopeful :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:


About time… 23rd of october for eu, apparently