Warbank - Draconic Equipment Chest missing

I’ve deposited multiple Draconic Equipment Chests on the warbank, to open it on an alt, but all chests simply disappeared and are nowhere to be found

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Not helpful. They’re talking about “memories” and whatnot. I can’t see the chests on the character I deposited them with. I can’t see the chests with any other character. The items are simply gone

I had the same problem with the Awakened chests earlier, but they turned up after a couple of hours… not sure where they spent those few hours, I only hope they had fun.


Hey there Dümbledore!

The chests seems to be correctly deposited, this looks to be just a delay as mentioned above by As.

I know it’s asking much, but would you mind waiting a bit and check later if the chest appears correctly on your other characters as well?


They showed up a couple of hours later, thank you!


So i just spent 4.5 hours so i could buy the pre patch cloth legs, but when i used the “deposit all warbound item” button in the warbank, the item just dissapeared.
can’t find it anywhere, it is just gone.

Don’t worry it will reappear. Others have found the same:-


nice good to know :slight_smile:

A hotfix was deployed last night, which should resolve any item missing in the Warbank (some items may appear somewhere different if the previous slot has been occupied by another item).

If the issue persists, please log out from the game completely for at least 5 minutes.

Thank you all for your patience. :pray: