Since I figured there is no harm in posting info about campaign I am running here as well, here it comes.
I am running a DnD campaign set in World of Warcraft setting. The game lasted for over a year, players had reached level 10 and we are planning to press forward and get to level 20 - I expect it to take roughly year and a half. Recently I had to bench one of my players due to his RL going south and we are looking for fresh blood to join our ranks.
Where: Game is played on Roll20 site with Discord for Voice Chat and posting memes.
When: The game is played weekly 2020-02-16T18:00:00Z. Sessions last roughly between 3 and 4 hours.
How: In order to bring the feel and flavour of our beloved Azeroth, we are using this fan made conversion of standard Dungeons and Dragons
What Campaign is set during BfA timeline, right now roughly during 8.1 period. Story follows a group of members of 7th Legion (PC’s) as they try to survive in a world that spirlas towards doom and madness, fighting for their lives and sanity as forces of N’zoth are rising around the Alliance and the Horde. The main focus of the game is players interacting with one another and their personal stories, though if you are fan of combat in DnD - get ready for some of the most brutal enemies. I don’t think I threw a fight at my players that didn’t have challenge rating Deadly. And yet they made it without casualties.
Current Party Roster
- Wildhammer Protection Paladin
- Kaldorei Restoration Druid
- Kaldorei Assassination Rogue
- Kaldorei Priestess of the Moon
- Ren’dorei Shadow Priest
- Human Windwalker Monk
More details can be found following this address -
Or by contacting me on Discord - Neiven#6497