Hello everyone!
First of all, please excuse me for my poor English!
I’m here to present you a web project.
We’ve been working on it for more than 6 months and I’m thrilled and excited to present it to you!
It’s called Warcraft Finder, a social recruitment network for World of Warcraft.
On Warcraft Finder, you can register your characters looking for a PVE and/or PVP team, a guild or even a raid.
You can create your team (PVE or PVP), receive live applications according to your requirements with an application system and an integrated chat, but you can also propose your team in the player pool that is looking for a team according to your requirements.
You can plan a raid on the date you want and the application will also be based on your conditions.
For guilds, we have provided for the total import of your guild (all characters of max level) you can manage your roster, create a recruitment form, receive applications and manage your raids as well as the possibility to put your raid in public so that other players can join it (depending on your conditions).
If you want a video presentation (in french but you can enable translate): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8XbRNppi-o
Anyway, I think I’ve said enough and I’ll let you discover by yourself: https://www.warcraftfinder.com
Our official discord: https://discord.gg/jypwBDxagG
We are open to criticism, don’t hesitate to give us your opinion! Keep in mind that for the moment the site is in beta.
Thanks and see you soon !
Up ! Don’t hesitate to give us your opinion 
This looks like a great site with great potential! I really like the design of it!
I tried to find stuff that I thought could be improved, and picked up on the following:
- There is still some French on the English version of the site (eg the drop downs when setting up your characters, and the welcome email subject, and the word ‘members’ on the guild listing)
- I have no way of flagging that I’m open to a server transfer or faction change
- It would be great to have a couple of extra textbox options when listing a character, to give yourself a bit of a profile, but also explain any potential restrictions for accessibility (eg deafness)
- It would also be great if, as I was listing a character, I could flag potential other characters I’m also happy to play with
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Indeed, some French words are still hanging around in some places! 
We’ll fix it as soon as possible!
For the mail, it should be fixed.
For the rest, I’ve noted it in the things to improve and we’ll try to add it all! 
Thanks a lot and don’t hesitate to talk about it around you 
A quick one! On my guild’s page, it looks like a US guild, maybe add an EU flag to English speaking EU guilds instead of the US one? 
Yes, you’re not wrong and we’ve been told this elsewhere ahah, but it is indeed an improvement that will take place as soon as possible! 
Thanks for your feedback 
If other people have feedback to give us, don’t hesitate!
Good day to all
Thank you very much! We have worked hard to achieve this result! 
This tool is excellent! There are a few minor issues such as displaying the US flag when looking at EU English servers and a couple missed French translations but it is by far the best recruitment tool available for guilds.
And on the subject of recruitment, if you are a tank or healer (monk would be a godsend) check out Impaired, we are recruiting! [a][ravencrest] <impaired> - new 2 day raiding guild - #13 by Dragonten-ravencrest
Yes we will solve this as soon as possible 
I take advantage of this reply to announce you that we have in 1 month more than 2080 registrations !