Warcraft logs is amazing


I just noticed that Warcraft logs is saving ALL logs.

I can go back as far as Mist of pandaria to check my logs.

How does this even work?

Do logs not take any storage space for them?

Once the log is parsed and in their system’s DB, I doubt they need the actual log file anymore.

Well, unless you pay for their sub you can’t access logs properly from an expansion ago. Therefore something probably goes on in the back end that makes old logs not take up as much space and stress on the system unless accessed? Could be that after a while they just automatically compress the whole thing. It’s how I’d explain it to myself anyway.

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Everything takes space:)

How they do it, nobody knows unless they work for Warcraft logs. My guess is that they migrate old data to some cheaper storage solution and/or parse the data post-season/expansion to the bare minimum to save space and cut the costs.

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