Warcraft PVP is in the gutter

They really need a rethink.

Started the night in Rated bg blitz at 1670 rating, won the first game easy. The next 9 was just horrible. I am a healer but dps just run around liek headless chickens that i have no influence. Now i am nearly back in the 1500s losing more rating than i can gain. Its just not fun.

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Nobody plays ranked pvp so you are faces with multiglads gearing their 20s toon or people who just started and quits like in a days

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also in this game,
when you reach a certain goal theres no other feeling then relieve thats its finally over…

the reward doesnt even matter because you wont even use it whatever it is (its like the mount you get when the sub renews),
at least thats my pow.

combat also feels very lame and not as fun as it used to,
AND nicely combined with the matchmaking for a truly unfun experience most of the time…

well you can go on and on and whine endlessly,
time to say farewell and adieu to you fair gamers of wow maybe? :sunglasses:

I started RBG Blitz in December and my expectations were that it will be like Random BG but with more coordination, but at least around 1500 MMR, it was crazy - there were AFKs, people who seemed to either be really confused by their class and the BG ignoring the flag even if it was almost next to them…the quality of the games felt worse than random BGs.

You even had people with green gear and stuff like that.

Its also very luck dependant - you can play your class to your best capability, but often things decide the BG that are beyond your control.

Still, I have had some fun games in the mode.


I hate to say it but I wish they just stuck all the pvp rewards on a battle pass style track then we could just play for fun. Keep ranked arena if you want.

Stick a saddle and an elite set at the end of the track. Then it won’t feel like wasted time. Rated games could just fill the track faster with a rated reward at the end like glad mount or enchant.

Also one new bg in years is shocking, how can it be hard to stick capture the flag on different assets. In fact they removed one bg.

Let’s not talk about addons and button bloat.

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The main problem with Blitz is that personal skill matters very little. Though that is a symptom of BG PvP in general. Spec >>>>>>>> skill.


If you lose more than 2 in a row, just call it quits for the day. In my experience Friday and Saturday are the worst days to play blitz.


Thats because of design and balance. Thats just how this game works at the moment unfortunatley.

I dont believe its a blitz issue but more of a game itself issue. Blitz is exposing the desing flaws of this game. At least from a PvP perspective.

Yeh, that’s pretty much 18 years of designing the game around Arena’s, where you are essentially bashing each others heads together.

Personally, I prefer to play a game which is why I prefer to play Battlegrounds. Would love to see more class design around winning a game, rather than simply bashing heads.

There is definitely a change in skill level of players in both PVE and PVP at the weekends, when people are off work or school. That makes sense. I always used to tell people not to Pug any keys on a Friday night, as it’s always a disaster.

I have also used the same tactic for Blitz. I play a few, when my team lose I take a break and come back later. If I feel that I contributed well to the teams progress even though we lost, I might go again.

But playing any more than a couple of losses can be soul destroying, it’s best to take a break and try again later.

Id even just one small change, of you loose you get one percent progress towards a saddle or mount for a loss. I started off wanting the elite set but ill have to settled for not getting the head and shoulders which is sheer frustrating nonsense.

Actually just logged on and done 3 blitz bgs in a row and it was so one sided, lost 40 rating. The effort and motivation for this game is waning. i dont know why i torture myself. Now im at 6 losses. WTF is going on. I might just stop playing healer.

What healer are you playing

Holy paladin, just no one is playing the objective. Its not even been close games. actually stomp. i was one win away from 1700 now im at 1590. its soul destroying. I lose more rating form losing than i am winning.

Which indicates that the mmr is in the gutter. Have you been spam queuing a lot,did you have breaks in order for mmr and cr getting somehow close?

i have limited time to play i cant afford to take breaks between games, that sounds totally flawed lol. won my first game but it started off super shaky, it didnt feel earned.

Not between games,between ids it was for quite a while so that every wednesday you got like +80mmr (its less now) so if you didnt play for a couple of weeks you could automatically recover from a bad losestreak. That isnt the case for the unfortunate people that have like 400-700 stats but if you like have idk 16-21 or so it was very much the case.

Maybe duo queue with a dps player and together you can kinda have more impact on the map :kissing_heart:

Gz,doesnt matter you won. And hopefully you will win some more.

A losestreak needs at some point to be countered with a winstreak or a win on a higher Mmr than the last game you played.

11 games, 1 win. this isnt worth playing. top healer in most games, not that it means much if its not coordinated.

thank god for the ps5

F waiting in queue for 20-30mins

They need to change the progression system ! at least for solo shuffle, blitz and 2v2.
Having new pvp content is great ! We love it :heart: but the current system causes a massive MASSIVE amount of frustration

They can keep the current system for 3v3 because almost nobody cares about 3v3 anyway
Just a small number of gladiators and their boosted pals. Which is great if they have fun then let them.

15 games, 1 win. Jesus!

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