Warcraft Short Story: “A Moment in Verse”

Warcraft Short Story: “A Moment in Verse”

Madeleine Roux, author of the upcoming Shadows Rising novel, has a special treat for you: a new short story about a memorable night in which Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron and First Arcanist Thalyssra share stories, poetry, and arcwine.

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Wouldn’t have mind if it was a bit more steamy.


Well there’s always fanfiction sites for that. Very explicit.
Wow is after all PG-13 so gotta keep it, you know, more kid friendly.

I like it. Nothing too important for the ingame story, focused on character development, but far away from the Val’sharah-Cringe and imho, well written. :slightly_smiling_face:


These are the things I want to see more of. Not some novel that explains the most important things going on in the story that SHOULD be in the game - but just some side story what characters are up to and learn more of them.

I really enjoy this story - a lot! Only thing I can complain about is that it’s another “High/Blood Elf hooking up with someone that’s not of their own race” but, hey - at least they’re both elves and there’s no human involved. Progress is being made so keep it up!


I just wish Blizzard published more of these short stories.


When the translation in gnomish? :stuck_out_tongue:

… poetry? Are they Baine’ing Lor’themar too now?

I will never not hate this pairing and it ruins an otherwise sweet story for me.

Oh well. At least I’ll probably never have to deal with it in the actual game.

I don’t like it. Its cringe like hell. Also Thalyssra is bad and boring character.

I think it’s a matter of liking or not the characters in the first place, it’s well written and interesting to see how both characters evolve.

Oh my :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I liked it but would have still enjoyed seeing Liadrin and her reaction to what’s happening here.


I couldn’t agree more.

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What a great short story. Love these types of side stories, it really helps bring these characters and the world alive. I hope we see more stuff like this. It doesn’t always have to be about the main story.

Figures there would be purple prose for the purple elves. Or purple prose about purple & not-so-purple elves. This sort of writing never fails to make me want to force the author to study Caesar’s Gallic War so they understand how to write: short, clear, to the point. On upside, at least one elf gal isn’t all about human potential. Also waiting for the epic catfight of “more Blinks than you have buttons” mage Thalyssra vs “can’t kite this” paladin Liadrin.

And the full versions somehow/somwhere!

I mean you can’t really blame the Windrunner sisters, they just followed their feelings and hearts

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