Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

Monte Gazlowe, Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, has been probing working conditions among the goblins. Everywhere he tours he sees a burned-out workforce, cheap machinery, and unhealthy working conditions that drag production and denigrate their people. “This is the goblin way! Dog eat dog! Only the winner comes out on top!” But is this really the goblin way, or is it just the way Jastor Gallywix wanted them looking?

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Now that’s finally a social-critical story I welcome.

I checked the US forums and I’m amazed a WoW Community Council was making a post. do we even have one?

Are we now going to sanitize goblins and make them another generic race?


Isnt the community council put together of players from all the regions? At least it was when they first introduced it. I remember Kretias from eu forum was in it.

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Gallywix done nothing wrong!

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I have no idea. I only just found out about this when I looked at this thread on their forum.

I dont know how it is now, but they had some years ago you could opt in to be in the community council. All their posts are on the us forum though, they wanted to keep it in one place. I can understand why, but i dont use the us forums so the council doesnt really interest me.

Edit: oh there’s a link to the council forum in the pins Link to the WoW Community Council Discussion Forum - #2


A race is comprised of many different individuals. I’ve never liked the old fashioned fantasy tropes of ‘every single character of race X is like this’. It makes no sense whatsoever; that’s not how people work unless they’re a hivemind (which is a possibility in a story of course, but more often than not this is not the case).

Case in point: My D&D campaigns have no ‘this race is always evil’ nonsense, unless it comes to things like demons, but even then ‘breaking the mould’ is interesting imo.

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Yes !
In the end, every races will act like generic humans. Are you not entertained ?

Correct, however it is now not uncommon for those individuals to push against everything that their culture stands for in order to conveniently align themselves with modern day real world takes on idealism and morality.

What of those who do and who would prefer to see those traits to continue to be broadly present and played up? You already have playable races who are goody-two shoes to suit your personal tastes.

It does make sense, especially in a setting as brutal and plagued by conflict as this one.

It’s not really ‘nonsense’. Though a fictional fantasy race being broadly evil isn’t even necessarily a bad thing and is a niche some people enjoy quite a lot.


Goblins - I guess we are getting green gnomes now.
Unead - Ruined. A race that ate the corpses of its opponents turned into someone who helps the worgen. “Oh no, we did bad things… We can change!”
Nelves - Have gone from being a very primal race to hippies who constantly lament about something. Also allowed Horde in their new “home”, lol.
I wonder which race is next in line.
It looks as if blizzard is panicking about its own IP and trying to forcefully turn everything into one mush.
Very boring, the races stood out and that was the strength of this universe.


Oh dear. :frowning:

More Unicorns and Rainbows and Peace and Love and Can’t We All Just Get Along (and Isn’t Thrall Such a Great Guy?).

We’ll have Gallywix encouraging his workers to unionise next.

I want to blame the author, but I expect he was told what to write and how to write it.

This is not a good sign for anyone hoping that Metzen’s return would help curb the My Little Pony for Twitter Points tendencies of the story writing.


Goblins in a nutshell;


So? I don’t see an issue here.
There’s also still plenty of individuals who do honor their culture and such.
And plenty of individuals who don’t care either way. Etc.

What about them? I was speaking for myself; not for someone else. :slight_smile:

No, because that’s not what I want or said. I never said I want everyone to be ‘goody-two-shoes’. I said I like it when individuals are treated as such and not treated as if part of some big race of clones where everyone is the same.

Yes, that can mean you can have ‘good’ vampires, zombies, orcs or whatever race you pick that’s usually seen as ‘whole evil’. But on the flip-side that can also mean ‘evil’ individuals of a race that’s usually seen as good. Or a chaotic war-like individual from a race that’s usually depicted as calm and peaceful.

Breaking the mould; that’s what I want.
I never even implied I want everyone to be goody-two-shoes.

How does it make sense for any intelligent person to not focus on THE BIG THREAT that’s going to wipe out everyone, you and your so called ‘enemies’ alike? Please explain how it makes sense.

Cool. I don’t.
And like I said; I was talking for myself. Not for anyone else.

Shouldn’t writers at least know the lore before writing stuff?
Goblin machinery being whacky has nothing to do with Gallywix but it’s just the effects of the Kaja’mite minerals fading off. Also i love goblins BECAUSE they have all sort of silly inventions which explode


Oh boy Goblins are going to made boring by people who can’t seperate fiction from reality and it hurts their feelings


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