Warcraft Short Story: "Trials"

Warcraft Short Story: "Trials"

After several younglings are lost attempting their om’gora rites, Thrall begins questioning the value of the trials. The new generation places such emphasis on martial strength and battle prowess that they would risk death attempting the rites before they are ready. Walking through Orgrimmar with his family, Thrall reflects on his son’s readiness for the trials, his own coming of age, and how to prepare this new generation to build on the legacy he and his friends started long ago.

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If it wasn’t for those meddling kids!!!


I know what happened to them.


The youngling murderer 9 000

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Not the younglings!


Whoever wrote this, needs to keep his finger, off the comma, button, seriously - I can’t, really read this, sorry.


It was a nice enough story but in no way tops the Moira one.

green jesus, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?

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Better than the Legion animated stories for sure!!

What’s the omg’gora? Do they just say o m g? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: like I know what Mak’gora is but omg’ora?

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