Warfronts in Shadowlands

i cant find warfront partyes this days :frowning:

Wont be surprised if there is more nerfs. More token = more cash

There are only 2 ways really. Well, 3.

The first one would be to incentivize participation by introducing current expansion rewards to these warfronts which I don’t think they will do since Blizzard is notorious for abandoning expansion features that didn’t break the popularity scale, like warfronts, which were pretty good just not that good, you know?

The second option would be to just put a price tag on those armor sets and let players just buy them, which is probably more likely.

The third and the most unlikely option is to make the same sets from the warfronts become rewards from current expansion activities.

They could let people use the currency from BfA to buy them from a vendor, like the honorbound service medals or Alliance equivalent.

I’ve said it before on these forums. But I spent the entirety of BFA farming those Elite Transmog for each armor type. After all, these were the equivalent to the BFA Season 2 Elite PVP sets (which are no longer obtainable) I like the fact that they have become hard to obtain, it gives more prestige to having obtained them when the content was current.

I think they should remain as they are.

edit, but I would like to see them add a system like this to Shadowlands. Something with a decent armor set to farm. I’m praying for 9.1 to give something worth farming, but I’m expecting to be disappointed.

It’s not that they are hard to obtain cause it’s challenging. They were hard to obtain cause of the randomness of the rewards. Some people have just not had luck with certain pieces and saying that those who did is prestigious is wrong and kind of arrogant. These are not the Legion tower challenge skins.


I was AFK for atleast 12-18months of BFA (due to work), and managed to obtain them all. So it’s got have been some REALLY bad luck.

the prestige is in being able to say “I played BFA”. There are other BFA sets you can collect easily. But the Elite ones you’re talking about are equal to the BFA season 1&2 Elite pvp sets (recolours). They just should not be easy to obtain anymore. You just should have put the work in when the content was current.

Many players did put effort. I know few guys who did all warfronts, but rng reward from chest was more powerful and they are still missing pieces. There is too much rng going on with rewards from quest. Now when warfronts are dead, they should change rewards from quest to vendor. Let players farm assaults for medals and get their desired transmog.

It took over a year for me to get plate set from warfront. I used 4 plate characters to get it.


I appreciated how hard it was. I used 2 Plate Chars to get mine, 2 clothes, 2 Leathers and 2 mail (only got the last piece of mail on the last week!). Yeh, it was alot of work.

But changing it from quest to vendor is just a slap in the face to all the people who put the time and effort into getting it the proper way. They were obtainable, but required commitment. Just like the Elite PVP sets are obtainable and require commitment to get whilst they’re available.

Are you sure? I used to use this method to farm the normal sets before I had them all and the only elite that dropped Elite pieces was Ivus, and even then not always. It was pretty much only the standard sets I got from the rares.

I have to go to Darkshore anyway though for service medals so I might give it a try while I’m there.

i think he meant that Ivus can drop some t3 shoulders or some other items.
but you can check loottable for yourself in the adventure journal
its not a full list of t3 wf set

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…But I can’t solo him. Back to the drawing board :weary:

At least I know - chances are we’ll be able to solo him before we can solo warfronts so it’s definitely going to be an option one day.

I want to see this happen solely for the armour sets, and weapons. It seems warfronts are the only way to get some proper racial armour and weapons :unamused:

ye i can see why a dragon belfie lady as yourself would appreciate that!

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I was there several times to get some gear after SL launched.

The problem, like always, it’s that it is random. On average I get like 4 items per character per warfront cycle out of those ~20 rares in Darkshore, BUT more often than not they’re duplicates, so getting a full set still takes FOREVER.

As a dragon belf lady, all I really want is for them to make the legendary staff mount high resolution :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Actually, given that I play every race, my list of demands is quite extensive :face_with_monocle:

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Its shame they scrabbed southern barrens warfront. It would be nice to see more warfront like armors for other races too. Few times with friends we had some fun in bg when everyone used warfront/s1 and s2 transmogs. We looked like rpnoob bg team ready for war. It was loads of fun.

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