Warfronts in Shadowlands

Make Warfronts soloable pls. I can queue up, but never get a queue.
Such a waste if this content would not be playable anymore. Even if it is just to get the awesome transmogs.


yeah, just make warfronts and island expeditions soloable please. :frowning: literally no reason why it shouldnt be.


100% agree. I’m still missing a lot of stuff from Darkshore :neutral_face:


Yes! Very much this, need my elite sets for other armour types.


Make us do assaults to get medals–> put all sets to vendor—> set price—> happy players. Make warfront epic bg and rewards could be recolor epic sets that was not optainable to players—> i would farm that set.


And pls stop being so cringe and let us solo legion & have easier time in BFA raids.
Stop being greedy and undo the gold nerf on the old raids.
There is tons of people pissed off yet still Kotick is scarier eh ?

Dear OP, reading your request i want to thank you for verifying that my unorthodox choice to farm them while they were actual was worth it. I wasnt sure they abandon it completely after community hate, but it seems i was making a right choice. Its like t3 of Legions Trial of Valor it seems, doesnt even appear on appearance after the expac end.

I still hope they will introduce nee warfronts:
Belf/draenei and etc with thematic armour
I would pay 20$ per warfront just for that as dlc

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Usually it takes less than 5 minutes to find a group to do Islands, but I agree, there should be a solo q.

Well you can’t solo BFA content because blizzard didn’t deign to give us a damage modifier for it. AT ALL.

The legion modifier is too small to solo anything above the first raid tier on mythic right now, and BFA has none at all

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why not finding ppl on forum for doing warfronts?

Agreed!! There was ONE piece of the Elite Darkshore Plate armor that I never got despite farming for months on several alts weekly. I never got it in time despite busting my butt the week before SL, running it on every single character, even ones who were undergeared or who had never done it before. Haven’t been able to get a group together since, so that single piece still evades me now.

S a v e m e.

(This isn’t even mentioning the sets I didn’t even get to start because I spent so much time working on the Plate set. Mail and Cloth sets, I’m sorry I didn’t try harder ;-; )

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I think at Blizzcon that they stated they were going to make Island Expeditions soloable in patch 9.1 but not warfronts as its too complicated apparently.

What this guy said.

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i just want to point out once again that despite popular opinion me and clearly other people really like warfronts sets!
hopefully some nice blue person will notice us

p.s. i ofc have them all, but i am kinda weird and want more warfront sets


Same here. Most of my alts are orcs so arathi warfront set is perfect for them (only main warrior has dread gladiator elite set). I wish i could get those colors also that is not optainable to players. Arathi warfront elite plate on black color would be perfect for my dk.

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You can get Darkshore elite armor…

You just need to wait till your faction owns Darkshore, then enter the portal to Darkshore in your BFA capital and kill some rares there. Every rare has a chance to drop a piece of elite armor. ONCE per warfront cycle. After killing all the elites in darkshore, you need to wait till your faction once again owns darkshore till you can loot them again.

Too bad that doesn’t seem to work with elite Arathi gear. It doesn’t seem to drop from the rares there.

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In 12.0 maybe. (Buddy, they didn’t even fix Legion raids yet. You are asking for too much. They have very small throughput.)

Or they need to consider another way of letting people obtain the looks.


Yes please! I’m only missing one part of the Darkshore plate set and it’s just such a drag waiting in queues that nobody ever joins :frowning:

There is about to be another :frowning: