Warglaive for night elf

hello all.

i ve seen from a website about wow. they saying night elves can have warglaive as heritage weapon and i loved that.

as a trollmania i wish we will get our warglaives too .

we all know warglaive is racial weapon for trolls and nelves.

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Warrior, Rogue, Hunter and Monk should have had access to warglaives.

Especially since the 2nd Artifact warglaive was a wrist blade like plenty of fist weapons beforehand.

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i dont know about monks but warrior rogue and hunter could use too

anyway warglaive only for demon hunter is ridiculous

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Ye warglaives are warrior thing in general… Not realy just Dh thing.Sentinel army uses warglaives pretty much as main melee weapons. Also even In other Ficional Universes Warglaives are depicted as Warrior Weapon, For example Kilngons Use them. Also not even all Demon hunters use warglaives. Some use Scythe for example or Swords. If you check the Npcs. They are Just popular Probabbly Because Illidan Had Legendary set of Them. Warglaives of azzinoth Just Have that “street clout”.

I agree with everyone. We saw numerous examples where warglaive user wasn’t DH. And shadowhunters were one of them. On Zandalar there are beautiful ones to access and it’s ridiculous that we vannot use them. Although I would like to see the more sleek and elegant ones that trolls were using before that just need visual update.
I would also like extra customization options. Like facial hair for males and jewelry for females.

So… Warglaives for shadowpriest?

But yeah, it’s really dumb that they restricted wargliaves for edge-hunters when it is a signature weapon for night elf warriors.

Edit: Oh, iv’e already commented here, sorry.

Hunters, Shamans, Rogues.

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