Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

Well ask blizz to mute people on the forum until they did a list of achievements lol. Are you twelve ?

Then why are you complaining about DKs having something most other classes have? Most of our unique stuff became obsolete anyway. So why would you have the warglaives?

He is 120, older then a boomer :slight_smile:

Daestra here just because i dont post on a DH means i dont have one right ?

I am not, I Don’t give a damn about those dk things. I was illustrating my point that QQing that dh have a tabard is dumb. It’s called class features.

Insulting somebody because they dont agree with you classy and reported.

Boomer is an insult now ? You need to chill.

It was merely an example of DHs already having stuff unique to them. So why would you have the warglaives too when they were canonically stolen from your lord Illidan while you were watching frozen in ice?

Every class has unique things, that makes a class…

It offers nothing to the debate and imho it is an insult so carry on using it and i will flag each post .

I Don’t know, why can’t I raise the deads ?

Yes and you have plenty as well. So why should you have the warglaives too?

  1. I wasn’t the one using it, chill.

  2. Ok flagger ?

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Stop telling me what to do and stop with the belittling comments.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. Why can’t I double jump and glide? I’m fine with DHs having unique stuff that makes their class, but warglaives? No. I wanted to transmogrify them for years before your class was even a thing.

Times change

Then make DHs unable to transmog Thunderfury.

Warglaives are part of the dh class features, Blizz decided that Azzinoth were actually warglaives so dh only even though they used not because lore.

OK but then the compromise is that DHs use waarglaives only. Using other weapons is not the DH class fantasy.

Then why say in 8.2.5 that in 8.3 all weapons would be moggable only to change 5 days before patch came out ?
You havent offered one constructive point you have just baited and insulted.

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