Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

“I can’t hear you lalalalala”

But it does not make Dhs unique since glaives are not a DH thing. You cannot compare runeblades and glaives actually since it has already established. glaives are elven thing, not a dh thing. Dhs use them because Dhs are elves. Not because they are Dhs.

You can compare rune-blades with your tattoos instead.

Really I think under the CoC you will find you have insulted me a few times and trolled and baited .

Sure, dual wielding warglaives is ONE thing that makes DH unique (only because blizzard are afraid of QQ if trolls could use them as they should…) but to act like such WGs being shared would mean DH aren’t unique is dramarama, surely you’re forgetting the staples of Dh class identity such as…

  • The blindfold
  • The Green glowing eyes
  • The glowing tattoos
  • The Horns
  • The personal wings
  • The ability to turn into a demon
  • Eye beam pewpewpew
  • Ability to glide, dodge and dash quickly, acrobatic

Wgs are nowhere near the biggest part of the DH fantasy. A DH with two axes equipped is still very clearly a DH. A DH with no glowing eyes, no horns and no blindfold is what exactly? Some tryhard wielding warglaives?

Let’s be honest, it’s because warglaives are cool, and big daddy illian uses them. It’s hardly the most important part of the DH core kit though it is?


Arthas used a runeblade before he became a dk, so runeblade are a human thing ?

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When? When did I insult you ?

Are you trolling at this stage or are you randomly trying to smash up things ?

Go log to classic and go wander about in elven areas, and come back.

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…and the runeblade turned him in a death knight.

The runeblade is an essential part of what makes the DK a DK.

If a Dh drops his warglaives, do their horns disappear and their vision returns? No? thought not.


Glaives that other elves use =/= the Warglaives that DHs use. Like I said they are not of elven origin, they are shaped in the style of the Warglaives of Azzinoth that Illidan uses. Which are of demonic origin. Runeblades are the weapons that DKs uses, in the same sense that Warglaives are the weapons that DHs uses.

Runeforging can be compared to tattoos. But Runeblades are as their name implies, blades infused with runemagic unique only to DKs. Part of their lore. Same as Warglaives are a part of the DHs lore.

That poster does not even know what a rune blade is or does. I do not think they know much of lore or weapons all-together thinking glaives are part of DHs and others do not use them.

Its just that DH players want to be “unique”. I swear some dev plays DH and is just being a bully.

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grow a pair or a thicker skin.
if you talk trash, you get trashed. it’s life and the sooner you get used to it the better you will do. might as well get used to warglaives being a DH weapon while you are at it.

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Any calsses can mog that

Most races have glowing eyes, dk too.

Lightforged draenei

Draeneis have some aswell

Warlock are still crying over it

Actual class abilities.


I have a 120 DK I know what runeforging is thank you very much.

I have neither insulted you or trashed you I just expressed my view were as you and the other DH have gone out of your ways to be rude /troll/bait/insult and derail the thread with personal attacks .

Yeah when you do it it’s expressing an opinion but we do it we hurt your feelings.

And they say dh are snowflakes.

as being delusional and/or being intellectual dishonesty is something personal, i feel like personal attacks are warranted.

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Perhaps they can’t reliably track who received it when it was current content. If they could though, I definitively agree that those players deserve the prestige.

I am certain the problem that Blizzard mentioned was Timewalking achievement. If it is so relevant to them, make them still require TW achievement. That’s all. Now they are treating one class differently than others.

Runeblades are not “a weapon a DK uses in the sense that a DH uses warglaives”, a runeblade is what makes a death knight a death knight. If they don’t have a runeblade, they are not a death knight in canon lore, end of discussion.

Now this whole idea of the warglaives of azzinoth being a demonic design and therefore DH Wgs are different doesn’t explain why Cenarion Wardens and Shadow Hunters wield warglaives that are exactly the same style, shape, size and the only difference is they’re missing the obvious “green fel glow of evil” type stuff. Why on earth would they choose to wield a weapon design inspired by demons?

The design probably originated with trolls. That more logically explains why nelf and trolls still use the weapon type than it originating with demons and for some reason non-DH nelf and Trolls decided “cool beans let’s use this weapon type” when both races are not exactly best pals with demons.

Maybe the demons took the idea from the trolls during their first invasion of Azeroth? Who knows. Maybe they were watching and drew it up from their. Seems more likely than Trolls getting the idea from demons, and them adopting it for Shadow Hunters and yet their history has absolutely no mention of anything to do with demon worship whatsoever.


It shows you have no morals if you truly believe its ok to insult others .

I haven’t named called you once yet time and time again you have passed comments nothing related to the thread just to insult me and attack me .