Warglaives Transmog doesn't work - please fix


The Warglaives of Azzinoth legendary transmog does’t work in cata classic

hope this can be fixed soon

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Didnt work in original Cata either. No legendary did. So unless they changed that, bad news.

they changed it so you can transmog legendaries in cata classic

only one that doesnt work is the glaives

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There are no glaives in Cata.

stop trolling atiesh, thunderfury, sm arent in cata either and ppl cant transmog into them since a week

only glaives missing

Aren’t warglaives for demon hunters only?

Originally Blizzard didn’t allow legendary transmogs until I think Shadowlands? But they are available now in Cata Classic after a hotfix. Warglaive’s may be different though as only Demon Hunters can transmog them in retail, despite that originally they were a Warrior/Rogue item.

So maybe that limitation still exists. Remember, Cata Classic is Cata ported to retail and in retail you cannot transmog Warglaives until you have both in your bank and you also beat the timewalking Black Temple raid. Once you have done that you can transmog it only on your demon hunter.

Well Cata doesn’t have Black Temple timewalking and it doesn’t have Demon Hunters, so you’re screwed.

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It’s probably because the tmog system is the modern retail one and that has GLAIVES as an actual weapon.

Warglaives are not glaives by weapon type, important to point this out, they have always been swords and are still swords in retail to this day. But as I mentioned, Warglaives were never made transmogable by normal means like the other legendaries, they were locked off behind Black Temple timewalking and only available to demon hunters.

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We have so few transmogs, don’t take the warglaives from us.

Glaives has never been able to transmog that’s why only in retail dh’s could get it

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blizzard have been making changes and this would be a good one

make the warglaives transmog

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