Since i red a lot of articles in US and EU forums can we actually make a petition or something for Warglaives to be xmogable to other classes apart from DH.I am sure many people want that to happen.Monks rogues warriors should be able to xmog the warglaives too since they can equip them.I would enjoy the game a lot more and i am sure half of the wow population which is not DHs want to be able to xmog warglaives too.So what we can do to make it happen.Any ideas ?
There was some outcry at the time they announced that only DHs would get the legendary glaives for transmog. I personaly don’t agree with it and I think it’s a shame to deny other classes something they could wield back in the day.
It’s not like DH can’t wield other weapons.
Making warglaives untransmogable by classes they were put in the game for in the first place is laughable. What an absolute slap in the face for anyone who’s earned them back in the day.
If they wanted to go that route they should’ve made specific weapons for specific classes: rogues and daggers, offhand tomes for mages, offhand skulls for warlocks and so on.
Rogues do have their own legendary daggers though.
I mean only rogues can use daggers same as only dh can use warglaives.
I’m pretty sure druids, shamans, warlocks, priests, warriors, hunters and mages can all equip daggers though.
That’s my point. Have you read the original post?
More classes should be able to transmog certain weapons. If blizzard wanted to make class specific weapons they should have done so for more than one class.
I wouldn’t use Warglaives as mog on monk even if i could do that, they are so big and look trashy on back, unsheated are awesome though, but monk is never unsheating weapons so… no
And to tell that Huntress of Warcraft 3 weared warglaive before Illidan became a demon hunter…
I want too warglaive transmoable for hunter / warrior at least, huntress Night Elf need some respect on that.
If anything warglaives should have been available for warriors, rogues and hunters. Especially since they are such an icon weapon for not just demon hunter’s but all elves.
Not to mention that wargliaves are either just glorified swords or fist weapons.
The DH tank artefact had the same form as multiple fist weapons from prior expansions.
I’m going to be a bit childish and say that if Demon Hunters are going to be exclusive and only be able to transmog the Warglaives of Azzinoth, they shouldn’t be able to transmog Thunderfury because it was a tanking (and sometimes rarely a Rogue) weapon. Demon Hunters weren’t present during the timeline in vanilla. They existed sure, but they weren’t present.
nope, keep them for dh only
compensation for all the ridiculous abuse they get
Ah yes, a paladin healer or druid dual wielding the warglaives of azzinoth, how thematic
Unpopular opinion : it would be a shame to allow other classes to mog those leggos with the introduction of DH’s in the game and the so-very iconic warglaives.
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