I’ve made a thread a few months ago (before I stopped playing lol), trying to understand the state of Warlocks in BFA. Got quite a lot of comments indicating that the class isn’t that good anymore compared to its glory days.
Basically I want to use an alt that I could play from time to time to make the gameplay a bit different than my DH.
I was never attracted to Affliction spec and its dot but find Demonology and Destr interesting.
Since 8.2 how is the class? Would it be a good time to level one ?
Warlocks has big numbers in damage, but don’t really have any good class mechanics. It is simple as that.
Big Answer.
Warlocks suffer from crimonaly bad class game design in all levels possible, from class design ideas to tochnical aspects of many of our class mechanics. Almost all classes have complete toolkit even without talents. In our case, we has to grab some talents like Demon skin, to fix unreliable Soul Leech mechanics. Where classes have good self-heling spells, we have Heathstone, that can be used only one time per combat, just look at Rogue’s crimson vial - Blizz gave rogues self-heals!ROGUES! The class that doesn’t deserve any self heal, and they made it on the simple 30 sec CD, while we can use Heathstone only one time per combat, and after combat, we have to wait 1 freaking minute before using it again.
Or to summarise the full game design bankruptcy of the blizzard’s game designers just look at our MIGHTY talent DOOM.
It is not just a bad damage dealing spell, “5% chance to summon a Doomguard to fight for you for 25 sec” just isn’t working, no one has seen Doomguard in months.
Damn ! Sounds like you guys have it worse than other classes indeed. Might explain why I don’t see many of them… Thanks for taking the time to reply guys !
I mean at same ilvl, a destruction warlock with 0 movements does 5.1k exactly less DPS than a demon hunter does.
You will be trash for mythics and taken into raids only because you have health stones and summoning portal. Give up trying to pug m+, if you find a team to carry you (you will always be dead last on dps meters) then that’s great for you!
In static battles you will deal great damage as demo or destro warlock, but your gameplay won’t be super thrilling.
Current design of warlocks in overcomplicated and not engaging.
For example MoP warlock design was not over complicated, but it had depth.
You can check my old post from my old warlock.
I’m leveling a Warlock right now (she’s ~75 now), and I’m actually having a ton of fun with it; playing Demonology, love my little horde of imps.
This is in contrast with my DK here, whom I also quite enjoy… and my Mage I leveled to 120 whom I go completely bored of. I think at least with Demonology, Warlock is a lot more interesting to play than Mage. Mage becomes very one-note, and is also extremely squishy, so soloing/questing often becomes frustrating.
I have no idea how either of these work in terms of like, big numbers in fancy raids. I’m just rating the fun value.
One of the problems with warlock is Voidwalker not holding aggro
You could fear the mob but then you have the problem of aggro more mobs
I dont know if it was a spriest or warlock glyph that made it so the mob instead of fleeing just standing still
I miss bfa affliction i think thats why warlocks are so bad now and the fact theres no real warlock dev at blizzard