Here’s a shot at some Warlock bugs:
-Doom is only applying if you have more than 1 demonic core since the spell is checking for demonic core on hit
-Impending Doom is not giving an imp on doom expiration
-Foul mouth does not work at all/partially works.
-Shadowtouched does not work at all/partially works
-Houndmaster’s gambit does not work.
-Improved demonic tactics do not work at all.
-Demonic Brutality does not work at all.
Class tree:
Several bugs with healthstones. Demonic healthstones will dissapear once you hit a loading screen. I’m not too sure about the regular Healthstone bug, but it puts your Healthstone on cool down until you talent switch.
-Cull the weak doesn’t work at all
-Malefic touch is doing pre-rework damage (it does not scale with mastery)
-Shadowburn is in an unbuffed state compared to beta which makes the entire shadowburn line of talents a dps loss to use.
-Decimation is supposedly proccing less than it should be.