Warlock future changes

Soul Siphon Rune moved to waist rune - so we affliction can use both Master Channeler and Soul Siphon
Invocation should be base line
Everlasting Affliction should be baseline - and effect Unstable affliction too
Unstable affliction needs to deal more damage

way i do dots is have them deal damage per second instead of them dealing damage every 3 seconds.
corruption - last 9 seconds deals damage per second
drain soul - last 10 seconds dealing damage per second
agony - lasting 18 seconds dealing damage per second

just change life siphon to corruption deals 33% more damage and 100% heals you when corruption does damage

having shadow cleave applie curse of weakness effect without it being a curse so put another curse so they have there version demo shout.

we still have problem having bad affliction capstone talent that also needs be addressed

Adding Shadow Fury when used in metamorph its instant cast when its used outside metamoprhis it has 1.5 cast time last 1min cd deals decent aoe shadow damage both forms but deals alot of threat in metamorph
Adding Burning Rush (also good opinion) this is toggle ability increases movement speed but take damage per per second
Adding Soul Well + with buff to heatlhstone
Demonic Circle (you pick) this crertes a gateway ppl can teleport from place to next very good large boss fights require extra mobility for your teammates
If possible

Seed of Corruption as aoe rune for affliction adding any shadow based aoe opinions would be good

Shadowfury with cast time is the worse thing ever…
Talking about pvp mostly cause i don’t care about pve.
In pvp you cant cast cause of how brutal spell pushback is in classic ,so having more casting is bad.
We 100% need a spell pushback protection.
I love the thought of dots tick every second or two but the reduce duration you suggest will create a bigger problem with mana cause we already have to tap every 3-4 cast.
But i like the playstyle of strong dots that you have to maintain but then with everlasting affliction maybe would be op. Dunno really
Nice suggestions. I would add a boost on hp for tank locks cause druid tank outshines us.
And maybe a defensive like dark pact that sacrifices hp for shield. That will help with push back even in raid to help with casting immolate and stuff while tanking.