The SoD seems great so far however I find playing with the warlock class quite … boring.
Quick note, this is about personal gameplay experience as a feedback to the WoW SOD team. Every player’s experience can be different for sure and I would love to hear your opinions about it too.
The Affliction and the Demonology trees were underwhealming to use for lvl 25. It seems even worse for lvl 40 aswell. The runes only seems to synergize with the Fire destruction.
I tried to do dungeons/raid with different runes and builds on the first phase but most of the runes seems standalone without synergize options with the only exception of Fire with Incinerate / Lake of Fire etc.
On phase 2, it seems to go the same linear path mostly because of the destruction talent build I guess. What I would expect is to make the warlock class playable with different variants.
Forexample for the mage class, it seems very viable to play with the arcane talents (with the new arcane barrage rune), with the fire talent (new hot streak rune) or the frost talent (new frostfire rune). It seems that the mage runes are very well designed to make it viable to be able to play with all talents.
Similar samples with other classes that the runes synergizing or opt-ing to be able to play with all the different talents.
I am comparing the gameplay; the variegation of the warlock class and the impact of the runes to the class. Right now, even the iconic shadowbolt spell doesn’t seem to be viable to use. The warlock class gameplay seems to be stuck in the fire spec of the destruction talent and it feels bland.
Maybe it is too late for phase 2 (or not, I don’t know) but I would love to see runes that provide different and exciting ways to play the warlock class.
I only played with warlock, mage, hunter, shaman, paladin and some with rogue. It might be similar for some other classes aswell that I’ve not experienced but this is my personal feedback and gameplay experience.