Warlock Hardcore - Guide -

Ill explain in details. why each talent why you should stick to this build. on your leveling experence.


  1. Corruption + Pet Attack
  2. Amplify Curse + Agony
  3. Life Drain + Shadowbolt Nightfall Procs

Soul Link vs Life Siphon . Soul Link always win this fight 25% damage split.

you don’t use void walker its a trap. doesn’t do enough damage threat generation is bad instead when have 5 point fel concretion you use Life Drain

this called life drain tanking and succubus does alot of damage reason spec points in it yes yes i know succibus is pvp pet here me old also has lesser invisable prevents your pet from getting aggro while you quest and allows you control amount of monster on single pull

this build can handle alots monsters attacking same time at cost of damage

when sarciface your succibus you get 15% more shadow damage and every love you from benefit stamia buff from imp being amplified

Master Demonologist is most important talent in this whole build 10% all damage cause ahve succibus out is huge in raids if played right do around 600-800 DPS watch sure not topping meters at same time your raids not dead cause shadowbolt ruin taunt

Warlock Classic Talent Calculator - Classic World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Is the build for warlocks you really like to die who like high risk high reward play

Drain tanking is a build to go, not only are you leveling defence skill that is important when getting hits, but also it is the safest way to level in Classic. However what can you say about warlock leveling in duo, do all talents matter if I teaming with a let’s say priest?

So what do you do until you get succubus? You don’t start at level 20 and nightfall is level 25-27.

And why do you need improved Imp if you use a succubus?

Dive’s draintanking guide is what you need.

Improved Imp is used before level 24 (when you respec after getting succubus). Voidwalker is a huge bait.

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Imp is important cause extra stamina. hes actually is pretty nice far damage is conserned. sometimes perfer have ranged pet. then a pet melee may pull more. I use both. incase i do dungeons. party sure loves extra stamina