Warlock here. Quitting SoD in Ph5

Hi all, I just wanted to say that I am a bonafide warlock enjoyer, it’s the only class I enjoy playing along with paladin. However, I’m somewhat lazy and I can’t be arsed to level a paladin to play and invest time in all over again. Especially considering my warlock is the other faction and I’d have to change faction as well.

Seeing how warlocks have been forced into playing support because our class just doesn’t do enough of anything else to bring more than 1 warlock to a raid for a whole phase (phase 4) I had hoped that blizzard would see this and make the players be able to enjoy different specs in phase 5. But I was wrong. We have no destro set bonuses, we have some master demonologist stuff that looks hella boring, we get buffs to our dots with the aff set - and nobody will play affliction same way nobody could in phase 4 so im not sure what the devs were thinking with that set bonus.

Anyway, we’ve become the weakest rdps class and our only role is to bring feet rune debuff for the other casters who do dmg and armor debuff for the classic experience overlords, the melee.

It’s tiring. Would’ve been just a simple fix to give us something cool like conflag damage triggering a dot like in wotlk. Making incinerate baseline so we can use felguard as destro. Meh, I won’t go into what could’ve been done, I just know I won’t be forced into a support role for another few months. I’ve seen enough. Even just not having a destro set is simply disrespectful to all the players playing this class, what a joke.

I’ll put my money where my mouth is an quit. I can’t even understand where Blizzard is coming from with this treatment but I’m done trying to figure it out.

A few other things that have been irking me. The DPS rankings on wow-logs. We spam shadowbolts on a couple bosses. Look, I would be fine if we had the damage according to those logs on specs that are playable by everyone and if the statistics weren’t skewed to get to those numbers. By that, I mean I’d happily take the middle ground between this: <google Magmadar 95th percentile warcraft logs> (2nd to last caster slightly above Ele shaman)
And this: <google Sulfuron 95th percentile warcraft logs> (aoe fight that I spam bolts on - top caster)
If that meant that the numbers I am shown as DPS representation right now remained as they are but without shadowbolt spam skewing them. Remove AoE bolt for all I care so you can fix our single target damage.

TLDR: I enjoy the competitive atmosphere of well-performing guilds. I don’t like pugs for many reasons and the pros of joining a pug are by far outweighed by the cons for me. I want to be able to experiment with different specs to keep me interested and I want to remain competitive inside my roster. If I were to pug or if I were to be pigeonholed into a support lock if I wanted to raid with a guild, then SoD is just not for me, therefore if Blizz continues down this road when P5 is released I will quit.

I have read the guidelines & Code of conduct & I have made this post whilst following them.

Public sentiment of fellow warlocks - and make no mistake, this isn’t a specific excerpt I handpicked. This has been the talks for the past few days. Unfortunately, I cannot post screenshots of the warlock discord, but anyone is free to look it up and see that I am by a substantially large margin not the only person who feels this way.


Completely agree. the pure lack of any destro spec tier set bonus for tier 2 is pathetic. its just screams “were lazy used the tier 1 set bonuses” or " play affliction like you should be.

i enjoy the support role my guild wants me to play the support role. this is just a huge kick in the teeth for any support playing warlock.

i just cannot believe that Aggrend and the development team would allow something like this to be released given half the warlock community are currently destro locks. guess were going to see a huge insurge of rerolls because many like myself just dont enjoy affliction.

to be honest its disgusting that this has even been allowed to go to PTR.


Yep. It’s hugely disrespectful to the entire warlock community if you ask me. I was very much looking forward to the new destro bonus. I thought we could be getting many different things like for example:

Increased immolate damage.
Conflagrate and causes an additional 40% damage over 6 sec of the immolate effect.
Incinerate applies a stacking dot (3x stack) on every crit lasting 6 seconds dealing 15-33% of the crit’s dmg.
Increased immolate duration.
Imp’s firebolt increases critical/hit chance against the target.

Make incinerate baseline so we can get felguard rune on bracers and play around with new specs… You know, there’s countless stuff I can personally come up with and there’s countless more good ideas if one is to look for them.

Anyway, shared just a few random ideas, you know? And I was really hoping for the set bonus to be interesting, it was something that everybody playing wow is looking forward to - the next tier set bonuses. It didn’t even cross my mind for a second we wouldnt be getting one for destro.

Instead, entire class is streamlined into some experimental master demo spec judging by our weapon, we’re forced to farm ZG rep (after farming zila) to even try it, you can only really play support cuz ure bottom of the barrel dmg so if u’re competitive nobody will take you, I’m just overall really really disappointed…

I don’t understand how hard it is for Blizzard devs to understand that I do not want to be stuck as support?

Be honest… you are not surpised, we all saw it coming how we warlocks will end.
As soon as i found out that mark of chaos does not include the -670 armor for melees i knew the new raid buffbot meta will be “use mark of chaos rune + curse of reck pls - you are not allowed to have fun”
And then they wrecked us with moving MoC to feet slot, it was ok on cloak.
It was competing with Decimation but they could also have moved decimation to feet.

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To be honest the writing was on the wall even in p1, that paladins were going to be the most OP class for all of SoD, and this has proven to be true every single phase. You should have rerolled long ago brother.

yup warlock is probably the worst / most unfun class to play in sod.

kinda sad since in vanilia it was one of the funniest.

It is fun if there are more than 1 wl in the raid so the 3 “must haves” can be split up.
But yes, being alone and having to provide MoC + CoR + Demonic Pact is costing at least -20% of our own dps potential and that is really unfunny

warlock fun in vanilla, I really heard everything


So, sad as it is to see warlock players seemingly feeling underappreciated and thus wanting to quit, i want to note that before SOD came out, warlock players did complain that they didn’t bring enough utility to a raid setting and felt like they had a hard time getting one as a result.
they also complained that they only ever had 1 role, which was dps (mages made a similar complaint) and that is why you were given a tank spec as well as the utility you got.

listen guys, people LOVE your utility, and this idea that you only ever need 1 warlock seems a bit of an exaggeration, you can easily bring more warlocks without taking too much of a hit to your min/maxed roster, if any hit is taken at all.
i am not sure how well warlock tanks are doing because i haven’t had much of a chance to see them in action (we run warrior/shaman tanks in my guild).

we got a single warlock in our guild who actually enjoys the role of “buff bot” and his dps isn’t shabby either, in phase 3 he practically carried our ST raids single handedly by spamming shadow bolt nova at everything and topping the meters because he had blade of eternal darkness from mara which allowed him to infinitely spam his AOE.

i feel like, perhaps, some of you are doing something wrong because from what i can tell warlocks are definitely able to pump big numbers.

and well, if you don’t enjoy the “buff bot” you can take solace in the fact that only 1 warlock really need to dedicate to that role while additional warlocks in the same raid can focus their setup on dpsing more.

hell, to an extent a priest can cover some of your roles since their eye of the void has a plethora of curses they can pop on the bosses (getting priests to collect that rune and actually use it is a different matter, however).

playing warlock right now, from what i gather, is basically a guaranteed raid slot because everyone wants them in their raid.

i must admit i find it a little bit concerning that warlock players made their grievances known to blizzard before (and through) SOD started, and then when blizzard goes and gives warlock players what they want, suddenly they don’t like their class?

like yeah okay perhaps affliction need a buff and has needed a buff for a long time, but if that’s the only somewhat dysfunctional spec the class has, i’d say you’re pretty well off.

like, i am getting a bit of the “my class is not the best and that is a problem”-vibes.
warlocks in every expansion after classic vanilla are powerhouses (downright the best class in the game) and it seems they’ve unfortunately grown used to that being the case, and when they see their class knocked down a few pegs from their #1 throne, they see it as a problem.

warrior players have made the exact same types of complaints through all of SOD, which, i’m sorry to tell you; your time in the sun is over bro, you’ve had 20 years. step aside like… what did you expect tbh.

Nah you totally missed the mark on what was said in this post.
This is not about topping the meters as a warlock. It’s about not being able to play 2 out of 3 specs you have and basically forced into the buff bot role (I know alot of people like being this role but it’s not competitive in any way).
Warlocks has been getting little to no attention since P1. The warlock discord offered the sod team so many options in PTR how to fix / make our class fun but all idea’s were trashed.
Warlocks currently are the least played class out there. P5 will annihilate them even more.

yeah i can definitely tell.
i mean ok, sorry for ‘missing the mark’ i guess, from the perspective of someone who doesn’t play warlock (yet) it looks pretty sunshine is all im saying.

guess when you know the inner workings of how the sausage is made, you’ll realize.

Should it be any consolation a Warlock is a utility first class before it is a damage class.

That said, it’s also a really great damage class where proper knowledge of it’s utility makes it even better at damage (among other things)

I get the impression you find a competition issue by your comment of a single Warlock in raids.
To Drammert’s comment, Warlocks seem to be one of the least played class, which was a frustration for us

We have managed to have at least two and we’re aiming for more
Affliction is a viable raid spec now, which helps

You should embrace the full power of the Warlock, maybe then you’ll enjoy it more

You mean like " hey 15% of the dps of all casters can be counted on my dps because of spellpower raidbuff and mark of chaos
And ~5% of all melee dps is also on me because of CoR … wow i am by far the best damage dealer in this raid" while in reality being 500+ dps behind rogues and hunters? :sweat_smile:


how do you think shaman’s felt for 20 years, giving everyone else windfury totem while it did :poop: all for them personally while knowing full well that if they put down agi totem that would increase their own crit by around 5-6%.

welcome to the life of utility provider, enjoy your stay.

at least you benefit from the ones you provide.

that’s the thing. ive not met any warlock demanding that we top meters just because. the original poster and many other like myself have the issue with the new tier set for BWL has nothing in the way of anything for destro. it is purely aimed for affliction. which given the fact most raids currently take maybe 1 or 2 warlocks for MoC reck and dpact it just begs the question what was the thinking. again i personally dont care for meters i liek to be reasonably competative and i understand that having utility for those buffs means lacking my own personal dps. im fine with that. many others are fine with it also.

theres just no sense in what they have done in PTR. the tier 1 set bonuses arent fantastic either if you compare the tier 1 set bonueses we’d have to take over the 4 set for tier 2 afflic locks for example.

id like to think its a massive “whoops we forgot” on the devs side but its clearly intended and many others are begging the question as to why.

i heard something about set bonuses being swappable for the t2 sets.
im not a 100% how its supposed to work though.

i think how it works is like, you can get t2 gear, but with the t1 set bonuses if you so desire.
which of course means you can get the stats upgrade that comes with t2 gear without giving up the set bonuses from the t1 gear.

The problem with warlock utility is that they share same rune slot with non-utility abilities (often runes that are required for your build to work correctly).

If there was one slot for utility only runes, you would have to choose one at the time and you would need 3 warlocks in raid to provide all the buffs it would be much better in my opinion. Instead of one player sacrificing and not having fun you would have 3 players that would have to pick one of the buffs anyway.

Alternatively make the buffs buff the warlock that cast them more than rest of the raid (mark of chaos could give you bit bigger damage buff, or make your spell irresistable, or unable to miss or something, demonic pact should increase your own spell damage on top of providing buff to the raid like in WOTLK, etc).


100% This! Just give us some competitiveness! Just because we have the ability to support the raid, shouldnt mean that we have to be punished for it! It’s also the most boring passive utility and not skill based so what we are given is a boring mediocre dps class with a passive buff.

It is extra sad that the dps is being turned down to a point of not being a viable dps in a competitive setup,when the design of the different pure dps speccs are very enjoyable to play! Sadly they wont be played because of the mediocre numbers they put out in the current state.

What a waste!


and still we are a week later with not a single blue acknowledgement of the sorry state of destro support. not a single tier 2 set bonus for destro.

what part of not all warlocks want to play or even like playing affliction. i dont mind sacrificing a dps loss as support but as it currently stands we’ve been killed beyond belief