11.1 is coming soon at this point, I’ll just quit if we have to play the same version of demo or destro again.
also no hope for affliction in raiding.
11.1 is coming soon at this point, I’ll just quit if we have to play the same version of demo or destro again.
also no hope for affliction in raiding.
And in the new class tuning, huge buff to fury, feral, dk frost and unholy, bm
Nothing for warlock
No interesting new talents, no new demons. Yeah this class has been going downhill since BFA or the rework in legion
Been saying to for a long time, bring back metamorphosis.
Its a spell that is still wanted by some of the community and it could work within all 3 specs if they build it into the base tree.
Doesnt have to be exactly like old meta, but could just be dark soul returning but with the visual of metamorphosis.
Some QoL changes would be nice also, i still would like some sort of visal on the ground for destro RoF so tanks know exackly where to stand to not duck our dps on move.
I would like it very much, unfortunately they have decided that the warlock’s burst must be entrusted solely to the summoning of a demon, it doesn’t matter if there is no logic in the pop of an octopus with laser beams which increases the duration of the dots.
However, it is rather strange that one of the classes that most needed a rework, more logic in the talent tree, or at least changes in CD times and damage, is the one that has had the least changes to date in the first major patch.
Among other things, it is also very strange that they are changing the graphics of various abilities in the game, even the shadowbolts of the magus, a dk pet, but they continue to leave low-res graphics of spells that were used 15 years ago or spells that were clearly wrong in visual (the Demonbolt is clearly cut in half and only the lower part is visible)
Idk what you are talking about. Diabolist destruction is super fun. Getting diabolic ritual, ritual of ruin and quick soul fire procs and bursting things down feels great. Only annoying thing is that the diabolist pets will target random stuff in pvp.
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