[Warlock LF Guild] Seeking Raiding and Mythic+ Opportunities in The War Within

Hello everyone,

I’m a returning player looking to join a guild for raiding and Mythic+ content.

While I have been a long time player of wow it’s mostly been very casual and doing lower end M+ Keys and LFR/Normal raids, living the PUG life.

With TWW I am looking to join a guild for some real progression on Raids and M+ as a Warlock, I am open to learning and looking for my first ever AotC achievement.
Free most evenings.

If we can help each other on that journey, then that’s the fit I am looking for :slight_smile:

Discord: Xorvic8472
BT: Emelea#1693

Are you looking to join a community to begin TWW?
Do want an active and welcoming guild?
We are recruiting!

Who are we?

We’re an established guild who make the most of our time away from ‘adulting’!

All are welcome whether you want to Raid, Mythic+ or Mount Farm etc. There is plenty of support for new/returning players.

Our Achievements

We have achieved AOTC every season.

Everyone achieves KSM who would like to.

We also complete Raid Achievement runs.

What We Offer

  • Mythic + Nights on Mondays
  • Progressive Raiding Saturday - 9pm Server Time
  • Alt Weekday Raid (TBC)
  • An Active Discord Community
  • An adult community who enjoy the game together.
  • A variety of professions for crafting, and a stocked guild bank


If you’re looking to Heroic Raid in TWW, we have spots open for DPS and Healers.

Message Hellcat13xo#2208 on Battlenet for an invite/info.

Check us out on Raider io “No longer the lost - Alonsus”

Hi I’ve just sent you a request on Battle.net (Dodger#2127). I’m the Gm of a guild called Kill It With Fire and we are reforming after a break to raid at HC level and do M+. Looking forward to having a chat and finding our more about you and letting you know about the guild. Best,


Hey there

You could consider us as your new home ^^

Hey! If you’re still looking for a guild to Raid and do other content with in the pre-patch & TWW, we’d love to have you join us!

Also added you on discord/bnet so we can have a quick chat first!

One and ALL Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people

Socials and M+ are welcome ofc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…