Warlock pets GIGA bugged in PVP. PVP aura not working

PVP aura does not work on pets. Yep. Didint test with direct hits, but at least spell dots are not reduced by the 30% pvp spell damage reduction.

Pet’s not ressing in BG’s is not a rare occurrence, but it’s coming close to 100% repro now.
Once my pet stops ressing with me, it is done. It will never ress in that BG, even if I re-summon my pet all the time. I just keep burning my soul shards every death.
The issue is getting worse, before, it sometimes did start to ress, now, nope.
8-10 resses without pet. Then the BG ends.

In addition to that, pets spawn with ~30% HP. This is absurd.
I then have to heal it for ages, costing me time and HP.
And then it gets killed without problems.



The part with pet being summoned with less hp than 100% is happening to me almost all the time on my lvl 35 lock out in the world. Its anoying.

So they fixed hunter pets in bgs but not wlock pets at the same time is lazy

yup warlock are unplayable in BG thanks to thoses pet bug.

also SL feel super bad with the pvp aura since it doesn’t work correctly.

meanwhile same pvp aura
making mages 1 of the most mana hungry classes use the same mana for alot less damage and do oom before can do like anything to anyone

ofc fix this issue but saying warlock is “unplayable”
while warlocks has metaform+searing pain: basically better fireblast while being tanky as a example: same dmg, +10 yard range, 0 cooldown vs. Fireblast´s 8 sec. and 20 yard range

the real class that is unplayable in pvp right now and has being for 3 phases is mages

feel like a warlock should not be allowed to say theirs class is “unplayable” in pvp
also even more if warlocks has not being bad in pvp for 3 phases
if they have a powercreeped version of Mage´s Fireblast basically

sounds like a massive skill issue.

Bump of truth, fix please.

Give them some slack, you know it’s only a small indie company.

hunter pets have the same problem.

Be that as it may, but hunter pets are considerably more resilient and agile than warlock pets. Plus, 99% of the hunters don’t use pets these days anyway.

No need to “fight” over who deserve it the most. Both classes got the same issue and should be fixed at the same time.


bug since at least 26 august 2019

Bump of truth.

the fact that blizz aint worried about pets is concerning… thanks kekggrend.

warlock pet are still unplayable in BG.