Warlock pets Problem

Here we go again:
So looks like the bug that pets were summoned with 2-3k hp is fixed but the pets still dont have dmg reduction in pvp so all pets other than Felguard flop in 2 seconds…
Pets dmg done is reduced by 40% in pvp but dmg received is not.
Any plans to add DMG reduction to pets or should i reroll? :stuck_out_tongue:

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What do you mean reroll? Dident you already start a boomkin?

nope went to the other side Shockadin :stuck_out_tongue:

idk why dev hate warlock so much , it was already the worst / most unpopular class of SoD and it’s gonna be worse than ever in p6

The class that allows everybody to eat chicky nuggets from their belly instead of running to the raid isn’t popular? Who were the popular kids in your youth? The serfs? The lazy peons?

Well no, its not a popular class in SoD.

Its pretty bad at everyrhing else but making healthstones and summoning stones

I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m very liked by many people.