Warlock Rework (or rather lack thereof)


Lake Of Fire - This is a clunky spell to use and shouldn’t even be designed in the way that it is. What it should do is leave a fire AOE on the ground that dots an extra tick of damage for 50% of Hellfire or Rain Of Fire on a 1 second delay after the initial tick of damage. it should always have been an AOE damage rune and not a fire buff damage rune for other fire spells.

Soul Siphon - This spell needs outright replacement or heavy alteration. No one is going to use this spell for healing, they’ll just use Master Channeler as it is automatic and can’t be interrupted. So it has to be for offensive purposes instead. Channeling a spell puts you at enormous risk while doing so, so why not just make the reward worth the risk? It splits off into 2 adjacents targets from the original and siphons health AND mana from all three of them at 100% the rate.


Demonic Pact - If this is supposed to be a buffbot ability then up it to 20% otherwise it is not worth taking to nerf yourself.

Everlasting Affliction - It should just increase the duration of all curses significantly (apart from Doom and Agony for obvious reasons) and be a pvp debuff rune. The way it is currently designed makes it completely undesirable.


Demon Charge (meta) - Remove the “out of combat” requirement.
Demonic Howl (meta) - lower the CD.


Grimoire of Synergy - “here’s a bit of damage” boring. Replace it completely with something else that is actually intersting and not a slot machine damage boost.

Shadow And Flame - Should be something akin to Eclipse. Every 2 shadow spells makes your next fire spell instant cast and cost 20% less mana, every 2 fire spells does the same for the next shadow spell.

Invocation - Should be baseline, replace this rune with something else.


Dance Of The Wicked - Give back the bugged mana boost, the fix was awful and should never have happened. This rune is trash in its “fixed” state and always was.

Demonic Knowledge - Oh here’s just some flat spell power, can you be more boring? Replace it with something that isn’t boring trash.

Shadowflame - Its CD should be lowered by Improved Immolation talent.


Backdraft - Also needs to increase the damage of Conflagrate.

Vengeance - I have no idea why these abilities of +health for a short time are desirable abilities to begin with, to me they’ve always just come across as complete trash. Change it so that every 1 hit you take increase your max health by 1% (but doesn’t heal you for it) up to 30 stacks, the stacks last for 30 seconds and are refreshed. Passive ability, meaning you start low with health but gain health over time as a tank.


Immolation Aura - It’s so boring. Give it a 5% chance to proc 2 ticks worth of Immolation on an enemy that can be consumed by Conflagrate. That’d be fun.

Summon Felguard - You claim it uses all talents that affects other pets but that’s not really true now is it? Make it benefit from ALL talents. I don’t care what that is supposed to mean, you’re supposedly the professionals here, figure it out.

new back runes

Honestly, they just sound like trash.
I don’t wanna bother with soul shards so I’m not using Shadowburn. Infernal Armor is just another trash CD ability, make it a buff if anything and make it something actually interesting like 30% fire resistance with a chance to cause 20% fire damage backlash to any melee attackers attacking you. Decimation might be good but I honestly don’t want to have to keep track of another clucking proc.

Blizzard, not everyone uses weakauras to tell them when they can or cannot use something, stop designing the game around weakauras.

And finger is whatever.

Overhaul it, stop being lazy.