Warlock runes Soul siphon and Mark of chaos Placement

Soul Siphon and Mark of chaos runes need to be separate…
I dont understand why Decimation changed spots. It was fine on the Cloak together with soul siphon cause both of them are “finishers”.
-If u realy need it to be on feet then atleast swap places soul siphon with demonic knowledge on Feet.

And when are u going to Fix the bug with summoned pet at 30% hp?
If u are not capable to fix it, then Buff Health funnel by 200% or smth

The reason for the swap is: mark of chaos can now be used simultaneously with shadowflame.
Shadowflame is by far more important than soul siphon.

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Thanks for explaining.
Cool then swap Dk with MoC cause for pvp no1 plays SF and Moc and SS are both important.

Swapping demonic knowledge with mark of chaos would bring back the problem that MoC and SF are both on boots.
You maybe wanted to say swap DK with Spul siphon?
This way you get your MoC on cloak and can then choose between SF or SS on boots.

Yea you are right i meant swap DK and SS so 2 finishers are together.
But then maybe some1 will argue that for pve we need shadowflame and SS .
Damn what a mess!
I just want for pvp Soul Siphon and mark of chaos… without SS feels so bad.