Warlock survivability sucks in PvP

Warlock is “one of the best casters” in survivability simply because excluding the untouchable (in every sense) mages, all the casters including the warlock are quite poor in terms of survival in PvP under melee pressure

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They say “Warlocks is tanky if you use gate and port” Like it stops every god damn melee in existence to press a mobility button and get back on lock in 1-2 GCDs…


In general, the term “tanky” is confused with the meaning of “you resist a lot of damage and even win” just because you manage not to die in a certain amount of time… it’s a very wrong concept!

I might have worse defenses than now, but if I could produce a lot of damage under melee pressure automatically in a fight I would have a better chance of winning. Instead, in this way I often find myself having defenses that only serve to prolong the agony

Many people confuse the term “tanky”. If I last 1 minute and then die I should be considered “tanky” because I had to die first to be considered “less tanky”?

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How are warlock getting on top of the ladder if they just die by melee according to you ?

On the top of the ladder there is only two warlocks who did AWC, rest warlocks who are normal player and not paid professional is few war in between in the top of the ladder.

Warlocks are not the best casters, affli is the only spec that could do something on AWC but not because Affli is a good spec, but because it has raw damage.
In the freaking decade no one who is fighting warlocks thought about warlock design and utility of how to overplay it. For the freaking decade two only things that people keep in mind when fight warlock is to how to break warlock rotation - thus ruining the damage, and to how break warlock shields. No one cares about the Gateways and Circle, no one cares about Warlock CC because it is only Fears and Stuns for the 99% of our CC.
Fear effect is represented by - Fear, Howl of Terror and Seduction - all share same diminishing.
Stuns is - Shadowfury, Axe toss from main FG and Axe toss from Second FG that is on whopping two min CD.

If you as a DK has an issues with warlocks then I suggest to you to put aside your gamepad and pick the mouse and keyboard. Because for fel sake, DK among rest of the melee is an ultimate anti warlock class.


Find one that doesn’t play with a rogue though.

Right now lock needs rogue to help setup and cross cc so it can cast, if you’d swap rogue for any other class then lock would struggle to do what it currently does.

Now should we be balancing classes based on their strength/synergy with a single comp/class at the very highest levels of skill or should it be about the relative average performance of a spec in general rated content?


Mate, i do not play DK in TWW , I have to change my avatar, cuz of you people.
I play Demo warlock and Hpala.

Hello me again ( Mr dk ) im here on my warlock avatar if that’s makes you happy.

The rest of the top rated warlocks who didn’t play in AWC, how did they get rating when apparently you die instantly from melee?

Affli is probably got on top when Affli was broken as hell.
Destro maybe skill, Destro is way better to be useful under the melee pressure than Demo.

Watched a stream of a top warlock the other day, he played demo on top rating in 3v3, he did good.

I watched SP player during worst days of DF he was good, but it doesn’t meant that class is ok.
One person who can make class work is not a declaration that class is good.

In MK11 one character - Skarlet was considered bad by everyone including devs, but two players(pro) could make her work. But even they could point on bad design of the char.

Same here in WoW, we have class with big raw damage Destro and Affli, but with astonishing amount of class issues - bugs, design, bad code ETC.

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i’m destroying warlocks as DH with green pvp gear its easiest to kill em xD

Good for you playing brain dead spec with with overtuned design and lack of critical bugs.

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thats was the point of my post,dh is my alt,i press 2 button,warlock dead.

which is why after some tests with destruction and affliction at the beginning of the season, I returned to Demonology for quests, world PvP and PvP xd

Our teleportation requires setup in advance, generally, whilst also not being wholly reliable. It does nothing in tight spaces (so is inferior to a mage’s blink) and neither can it be placed in such a way as to allow players to travel up and down ledges. So it’s very circumstantial.

Which wouldn’t be so bad if not for the high amount of pulls and gap closers that float around these days.

To say nothing of the fact that many melee characters not only have excellent mobility but instant attacks, strong damage mitigation/barriers/outright immunity and ample stuns/interrupts.

I will give you 2 mil gold If you beat my warlock in a duel as a DH! xD

I don’t think you realize how terrible the situation is, blizzard can balance things for pve and pvp seperately, they just don’t do it for some reason
If you read past patch notes you’ll see that there are pvp modifiers on abilities that make them more or less effective in pvp

Please stop being dirty, warlocks are in a very decent spot and survivability is very good if you use port, gate, dark pact, soul burn bs and ur right. I’d argue we have the best survivability of all casters and somehow you come here to complain… Sad.

To be honest if you watch last AWC they you’ll notice how Rogue in the team with warlocks were more tanky than warlock, and the moment team started to focus warlock all damage gone and games were closed faster with the kill of warlock. Shields, circle and Gateways were not enough for warlock to survive.
On top of that affli warlock from AWC played Soul harvester - the spec that suffered the least from Soul leech bug.