I’ve played 18 rounds of shuffle now and each round I get absolutely destroyed through wall (40% dmg red.) and pact, and healer’s don’t seem to be able to keep me alive no matter what. Imagine walling, soul rotting and draining life from multiple people and STILL DYING!
I get it, you wanted to buff locks’ damage to make it perform better in pve, but it’s ability to take damage was ALREADY terrible and you nerfed it even more and gave us more damage instead??? This is rediculous.
If I’m wrong, tell me what I’m doing wrong. I have BiS gear on and I’m 2.1k+ expd.
Yea it is really bad, I get that melees and hunters are a counter to us but dmg we getting from melees and hunters is ridiculous. Rather nerf affli dmg and boost survivability, when warr and dk target me in 3s, there is a very little chance to survive, especially in lower shuffle where players dont know how to peel properly.
The “funny” thing is that with the excuse of “the warlock is very tanky” they also reduced our already low mobility.
They halved all the defensive ones, the soul leech every fix is halved compared to the previous time. Self healing is ridiculous, especially because they condensed it in their own way into the demonic healthstone (which was also nerfed) and often healing is really a spit against classes that reduce healing.
The drain life has Jurassic mechanics and is totally useless, the fel synergy is miserable.
Unending resolve in 2024 has a 3 minute CD, and the talents to take the reduction of the CD you don’t know where to get them especially having to spend one to have the fastest healthstone and soulstone in the cast.
Unfortunately, many are now convinced that the warlock really is a tanky caster, but it is now an urban legend
The tankyness of the current warlock is an urban legend due to better times where it actually was. Now all defensives are more than halved and melee have more burst and gap closers. Just try asking any melee if he prefers to meet a warlock or a mage, so as to understand who is “degenerate”
Well, playing on my alt for 5 mins and seeing how drain life is now compared to DF, even with soul rot, it seemed clear to me that Blizzard doesn’t want you using that ability anymore.
I was surprised they never nerfed it in DF, especially combined with soulburn. It was probably the best class at regaining it’s health back in the shortest time without being a healer. With that being said, it didn’t really help in arena, because the damage was often still too high coming in.
Now, healthstone can be used once every 60 secs, and combined with soulburn, that’s a decently buffed heal, but that’s about it. I don’t see how souldrain would be worth using at all in TWW, even with soulburn, it’s pathetically small.
But they’ve nerfed healing across the board for for dps that have self-heals, with the exception of percentage healed abilities. What that means though for classes that do healing through damage, it’s a better deal.
I was having to use Impish instincts or Gateway master to actually survive in DF, but I never did like doing Arena as an Aff lock, just get hammered or chased the entire time. So, even when I won it wasn’t a fun experience. With RBG’s though, Aff is a beast, so I’d stick to that.
They weren’t supposed to be a counter to us btw, warlocks have been able to deal with most melee and hunters quite well up until legion. Rogues were always a problem for obvious reasons and we countered mages quite hard.
Unfortunately I don’t know what we counter now as it seems all other classes seem to outlive us even if we get a free full burst in.
I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t seem to kill anyone anymore as a warlock unless there’s 3 other people helping damage.
Design of the classes went to blizzard’s head. In legion blizzard said that the won’t give us any mobility because “they would rather double down on our strengths” and they put Dark pact and Soul leech in same row of Talents.
Ouch, yea you’re right. If we’re supposed to ‘live lord’ and out-survive incoming damage to allow our damage to wither them, weaken them or burn them down, or have our demons do all the work. Then the way it’s all set up now is wrong because we can’t even self heal anymore. Having to spend a talent to get our old heathstones back in a nerfed kind of way is just insulting.
how can we tank any incoming damage when 1 or 2 hits can completely remove our only bubble worth a damn?
After that we don’t have anything. We just die. Mortal coil isn’t much help anymore since most classes seem to just be immune to things like that, and we only get a small amount of HP back.
Health stones don’t heal for very much at all. It says 35% but I’m sure it’s a lot less because I’m not getting over a 3rd of my hp back when I use one.
I agree, this class makes me actually angry when I play it. I love my warlock but im seriously thinking of shelving him for now. Combined with the fact Maelific Rapture just does not suit affliction at all.
the problem is that many defensive spells have literally been halved in PvP in past seasons, and there hasn’t even been a partial tuning considering the brutality of certain classes.
The solutions can be either to increase the passive damage reduction (fel armor bonus armor increased or from 3% flat reduction to 5%) and at least review the soul leech in the regeneration rating or at least the revert of the mortal coil’s healing.
The demonic healthstone is one of the biggest rip-offs in the history of warlock, because they put all the healing there and all it takes is a necrotic or half-healing effect and even with soulburn the healing is miserable.
Fel sinergy? Healing is joke, need a huge buff.
If they don’t fix these components, they could consider giving back at least one CC as effective as Shadowfury to have it instant every 30/45 sec, once upon a time we had mortal coil (actually, in those days it was still death coil), howl of terror and shadowfury instant…
If you consider a dk unholy toolkit… strangulate and asphyxiate, brain freeze, stun pet, aoe blind without DR, double grip and abomination + absurd damage…
Mortal coil is nerfed to 10% in non dampened PvP.
At this point Howl of Terror in diabolist is way better option just to prevent enemies from damaging you.
Drain life is a joke. Unending resolve is a joke if you don’t pick healing talent in Diabolist, HS is bugged and requires a freaking talent to be in “normal” spell mode.
Soul leech is working for Destro and Affli, but with demo where good chunk of your spells is AoE and Felstorm of FG is Aoe it doesn’t give you enough shields from your damage… and yes, forgot if you take Dreadlash talent - dreadbite from dreadstalkers no longer gives you shields.
I got repeatedly target over and over in SS today. THe rogue said to me, stop popping your defensives so early. Im perplexed by this? Both he and the other dps popped theirs early on and are expecting the healer to be able to heal this incoming damage.
I am literally a punching bag in every solo shuffle. This class need more survivability.
Mate, warlock is tanky if you use gate and port st the right time. They are currently one of the best casters and the top team in AWC plays with Warlock aswell.
You can’t assume you should be able to stand still and take a beating without dying