Warlock tier 6 transmog animation not working

Warlock’s Tier 6 Head - Hood of the Malefic wings animation seem not to work even if i transmog or equip the original item. Any ideas / know issues?

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The head also looks off, abit too small at least on my character.

Ya confirmed same issue here, best to submit a bug report in-game so this gets fixed quickly, also mention that it should trigger randomly without doing any action, that was the original way it was intended to work. I recall sometime during retail back in the day, they made the animation trigger only when you jumped or used life tap, which was really stupid, hope they don’t re-implement it this way now, and keep it random as it was originally intended.

Made an in-game bug report the moment i found out about this issue, hopefully they fix it.

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Excellent my man, thank you for your efforts, please everyone else continue to do so :slight_smile:

Still not functioning as intended. Already posted a bug report ingame.

Likely a fix that wont happen anytime soon - plenty of other issues to be tended to in the meantime ahead of Cata launch.

Sadly animation isn’t working yet, they might fix it later :sob:

Still not working as intended. Going to try and make a bug report.

I think that is probably because the animation is some sort of aura effect set on the item itself and not part of the skin that is what transmog copies.