Warlock vs Monk or Melee questions


I just started to continue the leveling of my warlock, first time in dragonflight. Well, its level 64 with 62 blue gear. I know low level pvp does not represent the end game pvp at all. Even tho currently for me, warlock seems like a melee class vs melee class, i mean i dont feel like it can kite or can keep away melee even for few seconds. Actually a monk killed my warlock with active dark pact with 1 cast while i was stunned. with one single cast of fury of fists globaled my warlock.

I would like to know before i put more effort to warlock(Affli or Destro) if its possible to play it as a ranged vs melee and if it has the ability to kite? Or is it just an npc in end game too which cant keep melees away at all? i mean DHs and Monks can still steamroll warlock in end game pvp with end game gear?

I love to play ranged because i love kiting and love to control melees. I can kite with my mage and my hunter pretty well and love them.

I would appreciate answers from experienced warlocks, because i dont want to waste time and resources on a ranged class that plays like a melee class vs melee specs.

Im a bit sad because lore wise warlock is the closest to my heart but by playstyle by far frost mage is my favorite, because i love kiting and controlling the battlefield. I really hope warlock’s playstyle i not like what i experienced in low level pvp(60-70).


Unfortunately, if a melee wants to come after you, it’s going to get you.

The warlock alone does not excel in mobility or survival or CC.
However, the tools that the warlock has are good if you play in coordination with your teammates.

For example, you will never be able to escape a melee by yourself, but if you combine your tools with those of your partner, you will be able to stay well away from the melee.
You will also depend a lot on the healer, since you will often be the focus.