Warlocks and their interrupts

As the instanced content gets harder and harder every passing day, it is the perfect time for Warlocks to have a reliable interrupt.

To ensure this, Warlocks must have a separate interrupt spell that is not dependent on pet.

To make the class phantasy more realistic, they should also have poison and disease dispel not dependent on pets!

While working on it, I want to also speak about Destruction Warlocks:

must be a type of curse. When applied to a hostile entity, it should move with them and jump to the nearest hostile entity if the original one dies in progress.

again must work as some kind of demonic blessing on a friendly entity and must move with it.

must be a base ability and should be removed from the talent tree. Needs rework.

Thanks in advance.

Warlocks should also be able to tank in demon form

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we do have a reliable interupt? Spell lock… ur saying not dependent on pet, and sure that is alittle annoying, but realistically we ARE the pet class xD

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warlock has separate kick of their own in pvp without felguard or felpuppy but blizz made it 1min cd tho :smiley:

I am all for it if Blizzard also gives Holy Paladin Mass-Cleanse for sicknesses, diseases, poison AND ESPECIALLY curses.

Like how the hell can a Paladin NOT cleanse a curse? That’s like a battlepriest not being able to perform an exorcism…


And hunters should be able to drive around in a tank one shotting everything. Sadly we cant get everything we want

I am a Crydin. My class is already OP and busted since day one. But I always cry cry cry cry cry moan moan moan moan on the forums for a crydin buff. I often go topics created for other classes, sometimes even other class sections of the forum and cry for a crydin buff. Because if all the crydins cry at the same time, they can even replace the US president. The last time we cried, we buffed Retri Crydin spec with a rework.

Paladins: Masters of manipulation, propaganda and lies.

If you want to cry for another Crydin buff, go to the paladin class section or create another topic. We are discussing Warlocks here. Capito???

This topic was created for warlocks, go troll somewhere else, Crytar.

Dude, did you stood up with the wrong foot today or why are you coming at me with such an obnoxious tone?

You are not a warlock either silly rogue

I swear there were rumours just before DF releasing that Spell Lock was going to be a talent. Really sad to see it’s still tied to the Fel hunter. Personally I think you should be able to have both. It being a talent maybe with a longer CD like 30s , and if you summon the Fel hunter, it frees up a talent slot

oh… maybe that’s what I’m thinking of?


Facing a demo lock is constant stuns and interrupts lol.

the 1min change feels so rough but casters are not rly a problem of mine when trying to get a cast out on demo in 3 melee lobby

i had one que with 20mil dmg taken 60% of overall for 6 rounds according details, i think it were still 3-3 but i didnt enjoy my time :smiley:

destruction aoe is crap . melees do more dmg in 1gcd than warlocks do in full duration/cast of their spender aoe. LOL

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Yes, Destro needs some huge AoE buffs, like %15 or %20.

like 100% since its static. same as frost mage. funny how moonkin has better aoe. starfall is what warlock aoe should be. perma channeled rain of fire for 1% of hp per 5 sec or sth

Give warlock wings back; A’la demon form!!
I miss having floppyflaps on my back while attempting to lock-tank things…
Darned DH’s stealing our swag :frowning:


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