Warlocks Demonic Healthstones Disappearing

Any other warlocks use pact of gluttony for the new Demonic Healthstones. Mine keep disappearing without using them when using portals or joining or leaving lfr/lfg groups


No I havent had them disappearing yet but find constant annoyment otherwise from clicking other peoples soulwell and it giving me normal healthstone which then my demonic healthstone bind or macro dont understand. They should just make it automatically count as one your talented for. Or so that you will pick stone to your talent choise from others soulwells instead of what they have talented. Imo one bind for healthstone should have smart option to understand the talented version aswell without changing the bind or macro everytime that they would change the talent for it. But I guess I can try do it with [known:] macro condition.


Thanks for the reply. I restarted my client to make sure i have all up to date hot fixes, and still occurs. the easiest test is the radiant echo portals as you can use the portal on the other side to go back to Dalaran immediately. every time they just disappear

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i leveled a warlock in remix yesterday and also could upon login only use it once and then it gets grayed out for the rest of the play session :c


Both types of healthstones are bugged just now. Demonic ones disappear when you zone and normal ones bug out after first use preventing you using them again until you logout.

They also bug your inventory if you delete or move them about.


The new talent and soulwell also dont interact between each other well when theres ppl that dont play this bis talent and the game doesnt have smart enough coding to understand there should be no difference between the stones but only the talent on person holding the stone :smiley:

The stone should just be treated as item that gives x % amount health when press and the talent differentiates these two new functions between it. Instead it seems blizz had made this differentiating thing on the stone itself so now when ppl with different talent makes them with soulwell and you click one it wont work with your binds. :+1:

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Thought it was just me wondering where did my demonic health stone disappear to.
I even checked the spells to see if there was any text saying “expires in x minutes”…


Same issue. Demonic Healthstones disappear whenever I use a portal. Also, if I click the Soulwell of another Warlock, I get regular Healthstones. That’s probably intended, but kind of annoying.

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Thats my biggest issue with the new talent. The stone should be just stone, x % health on press and the talent whichever ppl using makes the differentiating thing if it can be used multiple times or not. The current iteriation of it is not even sensical considering it makes no difference to other classes when they pick healthstone from your soulwell whichever talent the lock happens to be using for his own healthstone usage. It irritates me constantly every bg I join and happen to accidentally click someones soulwell who doesnt use the bis talent and then Im stuck with stone in my bag that doesnt interact with my binds. Im doing experimenting with [known:] function however Ill try make macro with condition for demonic and regular healthstone and see if it understands it better than blizzards default iteriation.

I agree. At least they should change it so if you accidentally pick up the wrong Healthstone, you don’t have to manually delete it before being able to conjure your own.

I fixed it with this macro :man_mage:

/cast [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone; Healthstone

I use this for the emblem and soulburn combo to boost the stone.

#showtooltip [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone; Healthstone
/cast Draconic Gladiator’s Emblem
/cast Soulburn
/cast [known:Pact of Gluttony] Demonic Healthstone; Healthstone

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I’m debating rerolling

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