The bonus doesn’t apply to rep. It doesn’t give anything that makes it worth wasting your time on world pvp if you don’t actually like doing it
This will be my best friend for the rest of BfA.
Not really, i eveld like 3-4 alts with WM on, i got attacked maybe once or twice
The net is main thing I’ve been wanting in bfa zones… fun times ahead
You are a prophet - it started alteady. Horde dont get rewards for the event cause there are no Allianceplayer to kill. Opposide of that - if there is one Allianceplayer - this player cant move 2feet and will be killed again
Know what I stay in ghost, I zoned into anathor 56-2390. Not giving Horde a target to kill for rewards when all I get is shards where it’s impossible for Alliance to win. Sick and tired of being surrounded by Horde 24/7, mechanon is the worst offender in that. Just start buffing the guards in Nazjatar, this is stupid. The Horde is camping every flight path, WQ and main base… My corpse is being camped and I’m not even at a WQ, tower, FP nor the main base!
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