Warmode 8.2

Are they going to allow flying in warmode? ( In Kul tiras and Zandalar )
Or will it only be available when warmode is off?

It will also be available with Warmode enabled.

Damn. Hope everything will stay as it used to be.

I think warmode would be deserted if they wouldn’t allow flying. Most poeple there aren’t for pvp.


Exactly why the warmode bonus should be 0%.

Let it be the realm of people who actually want WPvP and let everyone else stay out of it.

Rewarding PvE players for moving to a PvP server rarely increases their happiness.


R.I.P. 2018-2019 (colorized)

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I still don’t understand what are these so called high rewards every damn pve baby cries about. 10% bonus on rep? wow what a deal you dont have to kill few more mobs…

Don’t see anything else that usefull or good about the bonus.

you unlock flying quicker,up youre hearth quicker,gather resource quicker and level up quicker.

the bonus should have been disable from the start.

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No, nor do I. I’ve never turned WM on, because I suspect everything will take 100% longer in pursuit of that 10% bonus :slight_smile:

But the fact remains, you get a 10% penalty for turning WM off. It sucks to be on the wrong side of that.

Also nobody I know who keeps WM on does so for the 10%. Everyone I know who turns it off does so because they don’t like WPvP. The bonus is simply irrelevant.

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As i stated in other post here take away the bonus crap don’t need it don’t care for it.

But one thing i will agree is if they remove bonus crap you will damn sure see most of the alliance opting out from warmode and the next popular whining on forums will be from horde crying that nobody wants to do world pvp and there is not enough alliance to fight with.

10% bonus is crap to mediocre and even worse when horde constantly tries to gank you only class that is relatively safe and reaps the benefits is rogue.

All the rest of the classes as alliance are most of the time like you are Jim Hensons muppet being fisted by horde constantly making that 10% not worth it.


Lol, I mean… this is my thinking too, hence I have never enabled WM :slight_smile:

But judging by the complaining on these forums, not enough people see the light. Keep spreading the good word until every single PvE player has stopped turning WM on - and then finally there will be peace (and quiet) :slight_smile:

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Well it is off by default so you can’t turn WM off if it’s never on in the first place ^^

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Btw really looking forward to flying. Not to fly personally but to shoot down people with that net thing. That was the best thing about Darkshore in the BFA prepatch.

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That’s all about where you define the baseline.

The WoW community tends to take the upper bound - with the result that people aren’t happy with less than a titanforged BiS item. The same mentality makes people feel like they are getting short-changed if they turn WM off.

And it is legit; there is a better version of the thing you want, but you have to make a sacrifice if you want it. That’s a recipe for cognitive dissonance.

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But isn’t that how it is supposed to be? That’s why harder difficulties reward better items, because sacrifices should be rewarded. Like you said yourself there is the risk of things taking a lot more time when you have WM on. I can attest to this as for the most part encounters in WM are friendly there have been multiple times where I got caught up for long periods in fights instead of doing that WQ like I wanted to.

Even in friendly encounters there are those situations where the other faction just killed a rare but there still a few of them around so you need to hang around and wait even longer to get you chance. It all adds up.

In the long run I don’t think you even get an advantage from those 10% when you consider time efficiency. There is a reason why most pvp players cried out that their realms would be dead when warmode was announced.

Overall I don’t think it is worth it to remove something from the game because some people feel a bit like they are losing out. Even more since the removal could destroy world pvp.

Oh but yeah, please remove titanforge or make them more controllable at least.

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Calling people cry babies because they dont share your view how adult and charming . If you have nothing helpful or nice to say keep it to yourself.

Well how about this suggestion then the same suggestion that lots of horde players have given to us alliance players that complained about racials being better on horde and pvp being “better” reroll to alliance if the 10% is so important and game breaking.

And 10-30% bonus to Azerite Power, War Resources and Gold.
It goes a long way for people who are competitive.

There is plenty of wpvp going on in flying zones such as Stranglethorn, Goldshire and Duskwood. Contrary to what you might think, flying doesn’t kill pvp. Not with the net-o-matic at least. Go get the item and stop complaining.

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