Warmode and PVP is wrong

This war mode and pvp is always wrong , weaker /low lvl players are suffering because of this while leveling and that’s why players avoid activating it.
This can go very deep is not at surface as u can think

  1. PVP influence PVE and PVE influence PVP then classes are buffed nerfed to better fit in one or another this is very wrong. WoW was build to be PVE at hearth this is the truth. you must think at a system where rules must be complete different in PVE and PVP but i guess will never happen, because that way you recognize PVP is in fact a game filler / side game not main stream.
  2. back in vanilla you got dishonored by killing low lvl enemy , that was good anti gang, if coupled with in game penalties for players who abuse the system. this can be extended if a party gangs bypassing players “just for fun”.
  3. resurrect penalties from word pvp kills is verry annoying , maybe i want someone to kill me 100 times what is wrong with it. i hate to wait 1 2 min to ress, is “my(e.g. blizzard)” char but sure IS MY TIME and i want to do what i want whit my payed playing time, so think of workarounds.
    4 War mode is not rewarding enough for the annoying its creates but that’s because the problems above. you can put 100% bonus , players will activate while leveling and get slayed countless time by 120 and then disable for good because they had enough

That are the main problems with PVP but are many others that affect in game experience. (if party with under 120 players, try to do quests and 1 super geared warrior jumps in kill all of us in under 30 sec , that’s just fun… for the warrior of course, 1 happy 5 annoyed).

P.S. sorry for mistakes in writing this by i feel i lose my time anyway by doing this
I am sure you know this but is better to not act .

Nothing is wrong with WM, it’s working as intended. Maybe Blizz can introduce a seperate easy mode for WM PvEers, with anti-ganking, etc. But leave our hard mode WM alone, please don’t add limits to what we can do. The random anything goes gameplay is what I love about WM.

WPvP is random ganking much of the time. Always has been. WM has brought in more PvEers, which is fine, but they don’t know the rules of WPvP. There are no rules :slight_smile:


get good :clap:


I am so sorry for my wall of text - please forgive me :sob:

Honestly I don’t think there is any problems with WM or pvp itself, I believe peoples mindset when entering WM is what needs to be changed/nurtured/helped.

As I see it in many games there is a pressure to be the best, and be the best fast and the first time entering it, and when someone gets smacked down, they take it to heart and become very offended
“That guy is after me” or “he must have gear that’s way better than mine” or “he’s cheating” and stuff like that.

I am a strong believer in the way you enter a game decides the amount of fun you have.

I will use myself as an example of this:
When I enter pvp I know I will die, I will - trust me :slight_smile:
I enter pvp because regular mobs don’t give me any satisfying battles, I can predict any attack from a mob (and I don’t even use addons).

In pvp, peoples playstyle decides how fast I die and how much I have to work before giving in.

I am not very good in pvp, I admit it, but I don’t care about gearing either, I play in cosmetic for fun even in pvp. And I dont enter pvp to get honour, gear or reputation… Or finish quest, because as I see it, the quest is there to pass the time before someone comes my way.

I admit I hate when my lvl 60 chars gets one-shotted by a lvl 120 player, that’s no fun for me and I also wonder what fun a one-shot kill would give a max lvl player - but that’s their headache :man_shrugging:

When I watch my youngest (below 10 yo) enter Counterblox, he enteres like most of the players with the intention of the fight - and they are good.
They die, they spawn, they reenter and no one goes beserk in the chat - they come for the fight, not for the rewards or other things to distract them by the side.

I would like people to focus on having fun with no hard feelings to the outcome.

Of course I understand people want to be awesome, but just like with reading it takes practice, practice and more practice… and dedication :wink:

I also see no problems with having a dishonour system, but I doubt it would solve any problems - someone would just make a yo-yo honour-game out of that :slight_smile:

And resurrection penalties have always been a pain, but use the 2 minutes to get some more tea :wink:


Yenlamin - You have this bonus in WM because you have possibility of being ganked in WM. So, maybe, it will also require from you to play smarter, like:

  • Majority of players lvling with Autopilot addon, or going same busy route of questing without it.
  • Any ganker needs to just learn most popular routes or check same addon, and they will know where to wait for you.
  • You can lvl in other, not popular, areas from 1 to 80, and avoid most of the gankers. Only some occasional high-lvl farmer could find you.
  • You can go to Cata zones and do only a start of Pandaria for 80-90
  • Draenor - yeah, it could be difficult, but there are not many gankers there anyway.
  • Legion - same as Draenor
  • BfA - nothing can be done, it’s current content, it’s WPvP, nobody owes you anything, do what you think will be more effective and enjoyable for you.

Following above I’m lvling allied races from time to time - yes I was ganked, but only when I decided that I wanted to do some quest that I enjoy and it’s in popular area, or at a choke point at the start of an expansion zones.

For example - I lvl my VE now, 90 and was ganked only 3 times. And with a help of kill list addon - had my revenge 3 times. So everything is great :slight_smile:


So your main issue is that you want WM on for the 10% or in your case 30% (lol) bonus, but don’t appreciate being ganked?

Before BfA you got no bonus to levelling, so turn WM off. You’re on a Normal realm, so might never have experienced the joy of being ganked before. Now to get that lovely 30% (lol), you need to accept that you could get ganked.

I’d agree that some sort of dishour debuff might be quite cool - like some sort of loss of honour, or reduced stats, dunno I’m not a Dev - but as others have said, WPVP isn’t a balanced affair, never will be and probably should never be.

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Its not the 30%. Its the 25 man killing quest only Ally have, that’s creating the ganking. Horde dosent have the quest and thats the reason they dont party up and fight back. They just whant to do the quest and move on, so why stay in WM ???.

There’s players doing WM for quests, etc. and then there’s those in WM specifically just to PvP regardless of quests. Players will leave it on if they enjoy PvP, or turn off afterwards if just doing for quest. To me, that seems perfectly fine, and the whole point of the ability to switch it off or on.

Begin rant. The questers that join my raids don’t seem to understand that some do PvP for fun. They actually don’t comprehend, and can get uppity, demanding kick other members so they can quest. Whispering after they quit, telling me I made a mistake with raid… no, they made the mistake. Read LFG title next time, no mention of quest. Questers lol. Rant over.



Totally fine to rant about that. Especially since you are advertising a WPVP raid :rofl:

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Enjoy Bfa.

There’s a rule about warmode:

1st RULE: You do not talk about warmode.

so… just turn WM off, but no more threads in the forums, pls.


But but but…how will people then complain about wm without forum threads?! :sob:


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