I hate multiboxers as much as the next person, but they exist, but when i lose my bounty because 1 person have 15 Balance Druids and can just oneshot me like that and get x15 more loot aswell … No, just no, we need to ban these things or atleast put some short of restriction.
They won’t ban them because they get money from them (a lot).
I personally haven’t encountered a multiboxer since like MoP, and especially not in PvP… If you are really that bothered by it maybe turn off war mode but for me it just seems like a really rare occurence that you encounter multiboxers.
I confirm the sighting of that multiboxer
Don’t listen to Drae about turning off WM, best thing to do is… KILL EM ALL!
I rarely turn on warmode, but when i do and get a bounty, i always lose it either because of people forming a raid group to take me down, understandable or by a multiboxer who has 10+ characters and just oneshot me before i even know what was going on, just idk whats the point of warmode if stuff like this can just happen and its completely fine.
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