Warmode balance solution is Cryptids League

I found this group who call themselves Anduin's knights on NA warmode, i found an article on them on pcgamer.

With BFA launch alliance warmode on NA was in a very bad state but as time passed cryptids on NA has literally changed the state of alliance pvp on NA with the help of warmode communities without blizzards help just by doing player contribution and helping faction balance for the alliance the forums on NA and the amount of complaining horde does about them it is starting to show it is working for them.

Here are a few threads

They are not very much liked by a lot of people because of their large scale pvp as well as small scale but they seem to be the top alliance warmode group on NA and possibly EU.

Cryptids league openly challenging the entire horde faction whoever can take upto the challenge as you can see people are avoiding and dodging for a world pvp challenge.

Sometimes it is up to the player base how we behave in game if blizzard is taking too long the alliance warmode group on NA is a true inspiration and i feel we should follow NA alliance lead on this for a better warmode experience.

They have apparently rallied thousands of players on alliance side for faction balance it is impressive
You have lost the plot my friend.
I have not EU alliance should follow NA alliance lead on this or we will keep suffering because of faction imbalance on EU alliance is turning off warmode quicker than they turn off their lights.
14/11/2018 17:16Posted by Zeerump
I have not EU alliance should follow NA alliance lead on this or we will keep suffering because of faction imbalance on EU alliance is turning off warmode quicker than they turn off their lights.

You should also try using punctuation while you're at it!