Warmode destroyed the game

The day they put warmode into this game was the day they devided the community.


I wish they had just stuck to pvp or pve servers tbh.

Id say linked realms killed the game more it completely gutted what was left of server pride imo


I just wish World pvp didn’t boil down to this degenerate zerg mentality which only belongs in epic bgs. Its so unfun when people create a giant zerg to just camp a WQ or FP, sharding already massacred as it was a good chunk of the dynamic part of world pvp originally.


I’ve never wpvp’d without sharding, so I don’t know any different. Maybe that’s why I don’t see the prb.


i just dont get why i have to be in Orgrimmar to turn it on/off.


I think you havent experience a server WPvP community the zones are dead compared to what they use to be always people doing something now its just plain dead.


yup PVP servers with PVP battle groups


Sharding killed game and community and server…just because the small indie company could not improve system


Yepp wm were one thing that made the wpvp guilds and people in general stop playing. Tried to make it work in legion and bfa, people cba fighting random zerg grps from diff realms that just needed kills for their quest and would be never seen again.
thx blizzard for just thinking about pve/casual idc about the game players


EU wpvp guilds/communities are on the riiissse.

on tbc not on retail

I think this happens to avoid people toggling on/off their mode to bug others (engage in combat and then turn it off just to piss other players)

You can turn it off in any rest area.

They should do something about all of those there won’t pvp in war mode.

Kill em. Their pixels I mean hehe.

Put a timer, if you aren’t fighting anoune for x minutes start 5 minutes countdown and kick them from Warmode. There is a problem however. A lot of Horde players are going to be kicked in masses and won’t be able to use bonus they are so used to.

Hmm, what if I can’t find an enemy within 5 mins.

Nah, but, how about a timer, if you are not fighting within say 15 mins, you get a special bounty on your head. That way, pvp is naturally stimulated, rather than kicking anyone.


Korthia with WM on was fine the first few days, now its just horrible, groups of hordes there just running around ganking anyone, attack on sight if they see an alliance, daily quests, rares etc was quick to do the first few days. Now today, i spent at least 1-2 hours getting the dailys and some rares done due to the constant ganking by groups / raids of hordes and barely any alliance at all around. Current state of Warmode and PvP is just utter trash. I’ve had WM on since the feature came, but its just getting worse and worse and its very tempting to turn it off all together. Blizzard does nothing at all to solve the real problems surrounding this, they give rewards bonus for having pvp on, a quest if needed to get more people to turn it on, totally failing on understanding the real problem, if they even care at all to even attempt to do something about it. Frustrating as hell to play with WM…

Because no Warmode is going to make faction balance right if devs do nothing to fix source of imbalance.

But I mean how can they? Too many races to balance racials, too many years people had spend playing Horde and any changes will be received negatively by high end guilds who relay their faction staying best in any situation.

Actual WoW faction balance is beyond salvation.

Community is divided from beginning, simple by factions…war mode is only pvp vs pve players. They only in easy way expanded possibility of switching pvp off on all servers not only pve or friendly zones.