Warmode is 100% failure

Its a war, war dont pleases anybody.


I think the tech is there but its just that nobody cares about going out there with WM on. People dont play it for funs anymore (wich is really a shame). They play it only for rewards, if there were any.

why is there no world pvp rateing system :frowning:

Was fun last week when AOO quest was up, but back to the usual no WPvP quest this week. C’mon blizz, give WM some stuff!

remove WM when :slight_smile:

You wasn’t saying this in BFA when warmodes was a complete failure, I think we all knew that warmode was a horrible system to begin with and ruined all PvP servers so please take note of the actual WPvPers :slight_smile:

Annnnnyyyy LFG killing quest going on?

LFG Yuline up in Mechagon

Actually I was hehe :slight_smile:

Why are you criticizing other players when they don’t get any enjoyment out of warmode?

I think warmode is great success when blizzard failed to manage the balance of pvp servers. Now can players chose server where they got friends without taking in to consideration if the server is pvp or not.

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Everyone quittet.

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