Warmode is fixed?

No new complaint topics on wm forum since classic.

Does this mean the long requested wm fix was classic?

The fix being choice:

  • Shard based chaos wpvp, with modern wow features.
  • Realm based (eventually) chaos wpvp, without modern wow features.

When there’s a complaint about wpvp in wm, a common response is turn wm off, or wpvp was always unfair. Now, don’t like wm? Classic has you covered.

  • WPvP players only - because no ability to turn off pvp on pvp realm, means no pure pve’ers. And no bonus to encourage the pure pve’er.
  • No group finder to get help and imbalance zone, need real allies and co-op.
  • No sharding, and when layering removed, guaranteed ability to get your main. Faction balance determined by realm, rather than shard manager and lfg.
  • Eventually after layering phase, realm based pvp = community. The limits on that will be entirely on players, rather than limited by wm sharding in retail.

WM is fixed, for those that didn’t like it. Those players can now choose their wpvp, classic or modern!

Seems like the solution was what we already had, PvP servers for PvP players PvE servers for PvE players.

I think PvP worked fine in older versions of the game and current classic when there wasn’t drastic faction imbalances caused by character transfers.

Lets see, phasing in WM still pisses me off :unamused:

And I was alone for a looong time in a low lvl alliance area, thinking “I can fish without turning WM off” - But I still got ganked :disappointed_relieved:

It is not fixed, I still die in WM :tired_face:

On the serious side, I think Classic world pvp can bring some diversity into the world pvp scene, when you return to WM :slight_smile:
:thinking: It is just a guess though, because I havn’t been able to play on the pvp realm I chose yet :sweat_smile:

Well…Classic did solve my RP shard issue heh

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