warmode sucks some serious c....

25/09/2018 14:14Posted by Mordre
I could've lived with Warmode being off if they still kept PvP and PvE servers, but here I am playing on a PvE server suddenly because blizz wanted to invent a new Wpvp style which suits horde faction much more.
No, Wpvp have never been balanced but Wpvp have never been raids vs standalones or raids vs raids either, atleast not as the only option. Not to talk about the retarded imbalance that get worse for each week.

On my old PvP realm there was roughly 50/50 faction balance. I thought that would be a good thing. If I could go back in time, I would choose a Horde dominated realm, to have more victim choice. There was certainly no mass WPvP (that I saw anyway). People that love WPvP have always bemoaned the lack of mass WPvP. Blizz listened, now we have it, lots of complaints lol.

Realm faction imbalance is irrelevant to sharding. In a shard, subzones will often have more of one and less of the other. So what? That is natural fluctuation, groups forming and dissolving, spread out or concentrated, etc. I know I'm now on an RP realm with it's own sharding, but I've been on lots of shards. This is the game now, it is what it is. Use your options, built into the game to help you.

Solution Guide:

Ah right. Well, I've been on lots of realms before BfA. But since BfA only on Defias RP realm. I have not experienced BfA with War Mode off, so have no idea what that's like. However, when I join groups I get sharded to their non-RP shard. I've grouped, soloed, all that. All seems fine (to me). Sometimes more Horde, sometimes more Alliance. For me at least, it's fun to try and counter any dominating Horde.

A lot, I mean a LOT, comes down to what you call your group. Those few words, create an expectation. If you call it the wrong name, they will not join, or leave shortly after. It can take time to get going, some will not join until you have a few already, so a chicken and egg situ there. Targeting the players looking to farm honor is a good tactic. And name it like, what can you do for them, rather than what can they do for you. TBH, I normally just call it "Zone Name - Horde Killing!" Works for me. But you might have to experiment. If you want a full raid, call it "Zone Name - City Raid". Do whatever till you have enough, tell them you are waiting for more, ask them to invite others, advertise in chat, ask your WPvP community, have your fun, then either leave or actually raid the city, always fun.

There will always be an ebb and flow of raid members, you can't control them. They will do what they want. But, name your group right, and you should have raid members willing to do whatever based on the title.

Gonna have to accept, sometimes there will be more of them. Leading a group is a skill to learn, retaining group members. Tellin ya, a lot is in a simple thing like the group title, makes or breaks it. Then keeping them interested, making sure they are getting what they wanted. Or join a group and let someone else do the leading.

It's mass WPvP now though, and the imbalance is just part of that. That will not change. If Blizz force balance in subzones, that's not WPvP and will cause a phasing nightmare - that's the enemy of WPvP. But ye sharding around can work too if you are unhappy with balance.

And hey, if you want to join a WPvP community...

Alliance Defence Force WPvP community, see page for join instructions: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/invite/WqGoYOUV0a?region=EU&faction=Alliance

Code: WqGoYOUV0a
I'm not saying warmode cant be fun. The reason I dont like warmode is because if I dont want to engage in a raid vs raid right now and do some WQ's, ordinary quests, Mythic/raid stones, farm proff or whatever you can do out in the world my option is getting farmed by raid/group, join a raid or kill the life of the world by going to a PvE server where nothing is ever threatening you.
25/09/2018 20:49Posted by Mordre
I'm not saying warmode cant be fun. The reason I dont like warmode is because if I dont want to engage in a raid vs raid right now and do some WQ's, ordinary quests, Mythic/raid stones, farm proff or whatever you can do out in the world my option is getting farmed by raid/group, join a raid or kill the life of the world by going to a PvE server where nothing is ever threatening you.

Well that's a shame you don't like War Mode in a solo situation. It is a multiplayer game though. It's not a solo game. You can play it solo, I do a lot, it can be done. But it's designed to get you interacting with your allies, and in conflict with your foes. People have different expectations, the old saying, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." is perfect here.

Here are some options, some need a group, some will work solo. Hey you have a 10% bonus remember, any extra time spent, some of that is offset with the bonus.

1. Start a group to get allies - quick if you only need a few, ofc takes longer if need more.

2. Join a group and shard out - quick solution, but might have to do a few hops.

3. Guild, communities, friends, etc. can help - probably more satisfying, but not necessarily the quick solution.

4. Do another wq or whatever till the balance returns. Not always a quick solution.

5. Be sneaky. Easier for stealthers, but you can use the terrain to your advantage. Can take longer than normal - but fun!

6. Take a chance - I find a lot of the time, the Horde at a wq are not there to WPvP... but if one attacks you, others might too. If you can be quick, sometimes you can get what you need done without trouble.

7. War Mode off, even temporarily - doesn't take that long, anyone can portal to SW, change War Mode, then portal back and fly to wherever - maybe a few mins.
Lol I dont think you get me, warmode isnt bad perse, warmode is bad because it removed ALOT of enjoyable things players did in a pvp server. Ofc I play wow for the multiplayer feature and i use them alot.

But now you either join a raid/group of 5 players or die all the time untill you have 2min resstime. And a group doesnt help against a raid and in a raid you cant progress on quests. I do both PvP and PvE and i simply dont have the time to spend clearing the place of hordes each time i need to do a WQ's

I mean blizz could just make it so everyone in a zone would get into the same raid and also be able to do quests at this point because that's what you're forced to now either way.
Atleast give me something to progress on which rewards gear at increasing Ilvl.
It feels like warmode is for players who dont PvE at all.
A difference of opinion then. On my old PvP realm, it was mostly 1 v 1. Which was okay at the time. But not why I joined a PvP realm. I expected mass WPvP.

BfA changed that for the better, for me anyway. I know I'm not the only one's opinion matters. But BfA War Mode is how I always thought WPvP should be.

War Mode is primarily for PvPing. We are PvPing in a PvE environment. PvE comes into it, but it's Alliance v Horde. Yes it takes longer, hence the 10% bonus. I don't care about the bonus though, I am there to WPvP, and wq just to get azerite for the darn necklace.

I agree on the progressing. There's no real PvP rewards for War Mode, conquest points and low level gear rewards are not that good.
As you say, different opinion then.
Let's hope they implement character progress in a good way to Warmode then :)
you want pvp, join a pvp server or do bgs.. i dont need 10 horde killing me off while i am questing or trying to kill mobs. It no longer is enjoyable. I would rather see it removed and as it was, two different server types. when you stand there fighting mobs, and get ganked by several other players, whats the point, just to ruin the overall game experience.

Then turn it off. The world doesn't revolve around your wishes and desires.
21/08/2018 20:16Posted by Nazdreg
How about you supply me with numbers that show me that there is more horde players then alliance players.

Based on the website below, if you set Relam -> Normal, Region -> English, Level -> 120.:

you will get list of realms with some statistics. In overall,:
- 60% player population on English realms at level 120 are horde
- almost 60% of all English Realms (Normal) have horde as larger population than alliance.

I personally always find a greater number of hordes vs alliance. It's funny because on my ream everyone in Boralus has WPvP on. I can see all names are green! If I fly to any zone and get close to a WQ, however, I always end up facing 5+ hordes. There must be something wrong with sharding.

Wether you like it or not Blizzard needs to think about it when one faction gains clear advantage over the other. I would not even be bothered coming here if things worked. There is no smoke without fire! Also, I checked statistics of plenty of horde players and usually the win/lose ratio on BGs is around 50% meaning alliance have a good grasp about PvP. IMO the system is faulty. And people should come and report it! This forum is the only place to report issues.
20/08/2018 03:11Posted by Noregs
its so hard to do questing with horde members camping wqs and alliance areas...I am sick of this world pvp bull !@#$ you all shove down our throughts...the idea of world pvp servers sucks hard core %^-*.. and needs to be removed. I only want to play, not stand for an hour to do a wq and only get killed by horde players who kill me while fighting mobs.

20/08/2018 03:16Posted by Moritz
Umm... have you tried just not having it turned on?
Believe it or not some people do enjoy warmode :P
Its okay if you don't but that is no reason to have a completely optional part of the game removed.

I mean, it has no impact on you at all.
Sure you don't get the extra 10% but with that time you would have spent dead, you could queue up for an island expedition and get some AP, or run to a mythic dungeon and try for some gear, or farm some mats to sell for gold.
The bonus is there to allow those that enjoy warmode to not be put behind, not so that they are put ahead.

it does affect people doing pve though, i cant do world bosses because everyone is doing it with warmode on. I cant farm wq that require more than myself simply because warmode wont allow non warmode players into same instance. i cant count how many times i join a group only to find out the entire group is warmode and therefore i cant interact or fight with them when doing world bosses
... the entire community sees the problem...
What's the problem with a feature you can easily turn off and never bother with ever again?
You guys are real crybabies who don't make any sense.

Truth is some of you new generation players can't take it when they get killed by another player, it hurts their fragile ego. Dang, if you had played Ultima Online before Trammel, I can't imagine the tears.

Turn of the damned war mode and stop crying like 5 years old babies.
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ROFL I love this, someone who exclusively pvps on PvP servers I have this feature too. Whatā€™s hilarious is that I hate it and so do the pve people. Although I really donā€™t understand why you are moaning, you basically can leave it turned off, so I donā€™t see the issue. The 10% wonā€™t be a loss because you will do everything faster with no other players.

In my experience WM has improved on 8.1. But the entire goal is to see big world pvp action like it was in vanilla. However, then thereā€™s people like you who only play pve and use WM to get more rewards. Seriously just disable it if you dont like it

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