warmode sucks some serious c....

21/08/2018 20:33Posted by Endër
If you read my post you would know why I took no screenshots, but anyway. You want to talk about numbers? just check this link:


Or just google the wow population and see that everywhere they have the same statistics....

Your initial post basically just conveyed the message that others have also presented: "Man up! Or turn it off if you don't like it!"

And that's a fair point, and I agree. QQing is silly. If someone doesn't enjoy the gameplay experience that Warmode is, then you either turn it off, or you deal with the reality that World PvP is right now.

But I'm not QQing about my gameplay experience. I am enjoying myself. Even when I end up like this:


My only point is that Warmode is not well-designed. From a pure game design point of view, then there are many things Blizzard can improve upon, because it doesn't seem they have designed the feature with faction imbalance in mind.
So I criticize Blizzard, because I want them to make improvements to the feature so it becomes more enjoyable in the future.

The statistics you linked are stupid, because you're just liking some numbers without understanding what those numbers say.
If you read the description, then it says the following:

"The statistic shows the distribution of characters by faction in the online computer game World of Warcraft as of July 2018."

It says characters. Not players. Characters.

I have 15 characters in total. 14 of them are Alliance. So in the statistics I count for 14 Alliance and 1 Horde. But that obviously isn't representative of the in-game experience. In the game I can always only count for 1. Either I'm playing one of my Alliance characters, or I'm playing my Horde character. I can't play all 15 at the same time. So the statistical distribution of characters obviously doesn't correspond to the in-game player activity.

So linking these statistics as evidence of factions being balanced in Warmode is just plain wrong.

They also don't account for how big a percentage of each faction that chooses to actually enable Warmode.
So even if the factions were overall balanced, then if 75% of Horde players play with Warmode on, and only 50% of Alliance players play with Warmode on, then there is a faction imbalance in Warmode!

Learn statistics and how to read them before you just go liking them as evidence of something they say absolutely nothing about. It's so stupid.

Edit: Oh, and if you look at the source information for those statistics, then it says: "characters level 0-110". So not only is it inaccurate, it is also irrelevant to the BfA gameplay experience, as that's only concerning characters level 110-120.
Read my post again, I just didn't say "Man up!". I explained my experience so far and it was the opposite than yours.

And if those statistics are not good enough for you, before telling other how stupid they are, why don't you find your statistics? Because a couple random screenshot in the perfect time are neither good enough for me.
21/08/2018 20:24Posted by Jito
21/08/2018 20:16Posted by Nazdreg
How about you supply me with numbers that show me that there is more horde players then alliance players.

I don't need a meteorologist to tell me it's a cloudy day if I can look up and see clouds filling the sky.

And I don't need numbers to tell me that Horde outnumber Alliance in Warmode when I can see it plainly with my own eyes.

15 minutes ago, world quest:


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
And if every zone and area I go to with Warmode on is filled with Horde players, then there are probably an abundance of them compared to Alliance players!

Let me phrase me the same way you do then.

"In my experience the numbers are fine,and I tend to see an equal amount of both factions. So stop spreading lies that don't fit into my frame of understanding."

21/08/2018 21:00Posted by Endër
Read my post again, I just didn't say "Man up!". I explained my experience so far and it was the opposite than yours.

Then I'll repeat what I said earlier to someone else in that regard:
Your gameplay experience is an anomaly. An outlier. It isn't representative of the typical Alliance play experience with Warmode on.

Congratulations, you've won the awesome opportunity to always get into a shard that's filled with Alliance players as opposed to Horde players. Good for you.

But that still doesn't change the fact that most Alliance players' gameplay experience isn't like yours. That's easily apparent, because we can read that from the many testimonies on the forums.

21/08/2018 21:00Posted by Endër
And if those statistics are not good enough for you, before telling other how stupid they are, why don't you find your statistics? Because a couple random screenshot in the perfect time are neither good enough for me.

I don't need numbers. Like I said, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

And if my gameplay experience repeatedly shows an abundance of Horde, then that is the gameplay experience I base my feedback on. And since most other Alliance players on the forum seems to share that gameplay experience, then I dare say that my experience is not out of the normal.

It's only Blizzard who has accurate numbers on faction balance within Warmode. All those 3rd party sources of statistics can't say who's enabling or disabling Warmode, so they can't actually separate the Warmode environment from the PvE environment.
Plus there are a lot of other things wrong with those statistics. In addition to what I said in my previous post, then they also don't separate between servers within the EU. For example, they lump the EU-EN realms together with the EU-RU or EU-FR or EU-DE. But that's not how players are lumped together. So again, the statistics become misleading and plain wrong.

But the bottom line is I don't need to present 100% accurate statistics. I'm just presenting feedback based on my own gameplay experience. From me to Blizzard.
When I play the game in Warmode I'm surrounded by Horde anywhere I go. I would like if players in Warmode were sharded in such a way that that the under-represented faction was more likely to be sharded together. And then I would like if the rewards were scalable, so the more under-represented your faction was, the more rewards you got for enabling Warmode.
That's my feedback based on my gameplay experience, and I don't need accurate statistics for that to be validated.
21/08/2018 21:12Posted by Nazdreg

Yep! :)
21/08/2018 21:19Posted by Jito
I don't need numbers. Like I said, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Actually you do need numbers since you base yourself on your own anecdotal evidence. It's just that the numbers aren't out there since I doubt blizz would release them.
There's anecdotal evidence of horde players being outmatched, so if anything the first thing that should be looked at is the sharding system blizz has in place.
Every zone i visited yesterday had at least 2 horde raids ganking and like 4 ali players, so yea gj boys make us all turn warmode off, instead of that 10% bonus we will just do expeditions, i just wonder how much fun will the warmode be then for u. I get it sometimes u kill sometimes ur killed idc about that, but when every day u meet same 4 guys on ali side doing wqs and for horde its 40 players even in ali zones just camping, its just getting annoying really fast and i see more and more ali players leaving it off bcs of this.
Doing 80% of world quests everyday, anyone who can see will notice that alliance is outnumbered pretty hard at every wq spot, if you think that turning off warmode is a solution you are DUMB. Expansion is made around wpvp and if i will turn it off why would i even play a bfa?
Sure alliance will turn off warmode and horde will have passive 10% more of azerite resources and gold. Sooner or later ali will get tired of this and blizz will try to fix this by adding bonus rep too and raising it to 15% and this is the chance when alliance will die out for good, atm most of the guilds in top 100 transfered to horde already, with this !@#$ it will be every1.
To those people that say: "Ye, if you do not like it turn it off" seriously piss me off, cause they are the one that really do not have skills in Arenas on expansions after Cata. PVP is all now "press 1 button = win" so for those who do not have even skills to do that simple stuff do not bother talking about how War Mode isn't for everyone lol
Its cross-realm phasing galore. There is no unbalance, as the phases are controlled to have balance in each zone.

The problem is that people whine and cry, instead of group up and fight.

Try it - its quite fun.
15/09/2018 23:04Posted by Fendoor
Its cross-realm phasing galore. There is no unbalance, as the phases are controlled to have balance in each zone.

The problem is that people whine and cry, instead of group up and fight.

Try it - its quite fun.

yea i would say bs like that too if i were playing horde.
This is by no means bull!@#$ - and please try level a horde and come back and tell me how that went.

You alliance pansies are ganking us just as much as the other way around by what you guys have written in here. The difference however, seems to be the mentality on Horde side (often being the more mature players...yes, kids prefer alliance more). Our mentality with warmode, is that we actually seek to fight.

I was mercelessly ganked when leveling, more times i can bother to count - but you know what developed out of that on Horde side, us being ganked? People started using /1 and /3 - calling out groups of gankers. Calling for raids to form - and we fought back. Alliance would ofc run to the hills the second hordies showed up in equal sized groups - and then we split and went back to leveling.

So no, im not talking bull%^-* - im telling you that if your not in the game to actually fight, stop using warmode. Its not sodding rocket science. Warmode is there for those who desire to fight - if you dont, dont use it.

...or, butch the !@#$ up!
15/09/2018 23:13Posted by Fendoor
This is by no means bull!@#$ - and please try level a horde and come back and tell me how that went.

You alliance pansies are ganking us just as much as the other way around by what you guys have written in here. The difference however, seems to be the mentality on Horde side (often being the more mature players...yes, kids prefer alliance more). Our mentality with warmode, is that we actually seek to fight.

I was mercelessly ganked when leveling, more times i can bother to count - but you know what developed out of that on Horde side, us being ganked? People started using /1 and /3 - calling out groups of gankers. Calling for raids to form - and we fought back. Alliance would ofc run to the hills the second hordies showed up in equal sized groups - and then we split and went back to leveling.

So no, im not talking bull%^-* - im telling you that if your not in the game to actually fight, stop using warmode. Its not sodding rocket science. Warmode is there for those who desire to fight - if you dont, dont use it.

...or, butch the !@#$ up!

i actually did level a horde char like i do every expansion and the diferences are huge. now you try playing an ally and then come back with the "man up, l2p" and all that crap
Your really not worth my time you know. Your not reading to understand, your just reading to respond - and you keep responding with nonsense.

You have two choises - turn warmode off and do all that pink-clouds and flying elephants singing combayah thing. Or keep warmode on - butch up, and fight. And if outnumbered, call for help - make a raid - and fight back.

Yes - this is highly a "l2p" issues.
15/09/2018 23:21Posted by Fendoor
Your really not worth my time you know. Your not reading to understand, your just reading to respond - and you keep responding with nonsense.

You have two choises - turn warmode off and do all that pink-clouds and flying elephants singing combayah thing. Or keep warmode on - butch up, and fight. And if outnumbered, call for help - make a raid - and fight back.

Yes - this is highly a "l2p" issues.

Like you are worth everyone's time by spewing nonsence right? Good. Now it is you who should l2p, you wouldn't even be in !@#$ 1k+ MMR on Wotlk get lost scumboy
15/09/2018 23:21Posted by Fendoor
Your really not worth my time you know. Your not reading to understand, your just reading to respond - and you keep responding with nonsense.

You have two choises - turn warmode off and do all that pink-clouds and flying elephants singing combayah thing. Or keep warmode on - butch up, and fight. And if outnumbered, call for help - make a raid - and fight back.

Yes - this is highly a "l2p" issues.

ironic that you speak of nonsense when the entire community sees the problem but only for you its a l2p issue. but hey its easy to spew bs on every thread about warmode when you outnumber the opposite faction 10:1 on every wq. just enjoy your 10% and stop being an !@#.
16/09/2018 12:36Posted by Krchmarus
1k+ MMR

No, because i dont play e-peen-nonsense-sandbox-pillar-jumping e-sport. I laugh at the pittyfull excuse of people who brag of their Arena rating, but are among the most useless people in BGs. They simply cannot fathom what to do to win, and rate their contribution to the win of the game by dmg done on the scoreboard (ofc, meaning they did nothing but hang midfield).

So no, im not the slightest offended by not having an proper arena rating, as i've never played arena properly, and hated the fact that blizzard made Arena the "be-all" of PvP in the game, when they could have done so incredibly much more with the BGs and World PvP in the game. I've utterly hated arena since the first itteration of it in TBC, and only done just what i need to do to get the gear i need to do what i really love - win BGs for my faction.

Oddly enough, MRR has !@#$ to say in world PvP - just as it does in BGs. So keep your rating, im not offended by it - and my no means impressed by it.

16/09/2018 18:23Posted by Karrisima
when the entire community sees the problem

Cool story bro.

It is a mindset issue, and you just have no idea - we're ganked just as much as you do in our zones. And the fact that you dont team up and fight properly, but fold and rund to the winds, says it all. Its a mindset issue. You play with WM for the 10% boost - i bet most horde plays with it on for the actuall world PvP.

And If by any chance there is any truth to the claim you make about 10:1 outnumbering, its still going back to the mindset issue, where your faction is full of pussies that dont have WM on. You then havea choise to join their ranks if you want to finish the WQ. Why is that our problem? Or blizzards problem really? If this is true, the faction unbalance is an issue with the alliance players - and no one else.
20/08/2018 03:16Posted by Moritz
Umm... have you tried just not having it turned on?
Believe it or not some people do enjoy warmode :P
Its okay if you don't but that is no reason to have a completely optional part of the game removed.

I mean, it has no impact on you at all.
Sure you don't get the extra 10% but with that time you would have spent dead, you could queue up for an island expedition and get some AP, or run to a mythic dungeon and try for some gear, or farm some mats to sell for gold.
The bonus is there to allow those that enjoy warmode to not be put behind, not so that they are put ahead.

How about you shut up.
I could've lived with Warmode being off if they still kept PvP and PvE servers, but here I am playing on a PvE server suddenly because blizz wanted to invent a new Wpvp style which suits horde faction much more.
No, Wpvp have never been balanced but Wpvp have never been raids vs standalones or raids vs raids either, atleast not as the only option. Not to talk about the retarded imbalance that get worse for each week.