Warmode =

You’re not making your life any easier taking talent choices such as adaptation, frostbite, splitting ice etc, not taking temporal shield. Unless you switch specs outside of PVE however I can tell you now a mage not playing normal trinket is fresh meat to any rogue out there and what’s the point of playing frostbite when you are playing ice nova. You’ll just DR one of your best defensives (your roots) quicker.

Sure it’s not fun being outnumbered, but if you spec right you might stand a better chance at defending yourself :slight_smile:

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If you don’t enjoy solo roaming and picking up your targets, etc. This

is going to help 100% guaranteed. Just put a little time and effort in grouping up.

When shard is 50/50, but you are solo, and Horde players are grouped - you’ll still be outnumbered. Game will never magically put you in a party/raid if other faction has a party/raid near you.

And there are reports of shards where Horde players can’t find Alliance… system is working, so maybe you should consider using tools system gives you. Yes it takes time, but this Horde party/raid also wasn’t formed instantly just to gank you. A bit of time and effort applied = much better enjoyment.

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