Warning : peacock mount in trader post

Just to potentially help others avoid the mistake I made : the peacock mount sold in the trader post is only usable with steady flight (if you try to fly when having dynamic flight it is just a ground mount).

It is written in the description but people might miss it like I did and then regret buying it.


you should be able to refund it
no ?

Urgh… so it’s like the Otherwordly Otter then. :expressionless:

You can’t refund once you have clicked on it and it’s in your mount inventory unfortunately.

It didn’t cross my mind that Blitz would implement an entirely new mount that does not have have dynamic flight…

actually you can

I just tested it,

i purchased the mount
unwrapped it
mounted it

then went back to the vendor, and i had 2 hours to refund it
which i did and got the 750 tenders back

if it’s past the 2 hours for you, then you won’t be able to :confused:


If two hours have not passed ,you can refund it

and cheers for the head’s up.

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Thanks for the info about being able to refund even after unwrapping for future situations ! In this case however since they fixed the mount to also have dynamic flight I will keep it :slight_smile:

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I have just bought the mount also now. This is after I had it refunded earlier.

+1 for Blizz responding on this one.

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