Warrior Last Season Runes - I want see in Season 4

Shockwave -
Bladestorm -
Titansgrip -
Avatar -
Herotic Leap -

Vote watch one you want 1-10

Shockwave - dogwater no pls.
Bladestorm - good i guess but i prefer something new.
Titansgrip - good, i would like to try bonereaver+felstriker combo in sod.
Avatar - we dont need more dmg buffs, we need new active skills that do dmg(with reasonable scaling), because im tired of spamming heroic strike in hope that i crit and do dmg with deepwounds.
Heroic leap - dont like it and i dont think we need another gap closure skill.
Rampage - we already have one and its dogwater. We need different version of it.

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Flagellation ā†’ Moved to leg slot:
Passive 25% increased dmg dealt and 5% increased dmg received

Second Wind ā†’ Replacing Enraged Regeneration
Feet Slot: Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect you will generate 20 rage and 30% of your total health over 10 sec.

Done, all we need.

no titans grip its stupid and lame.

This is just extremely boring.

Why should all other classes get fun runes while warriors only get ā€œpassive damage % bonusā€.
Its the opposite of what warrior needs.


I would like more of a mix up. From retail abilities like Heroic Leap would be cool for PvP to help with getting living bombed from far away etc.

I donā€™t think Titans grip would work well, especially with the talk of Rage Normalisation, a lot of work would need to go into making 2 slow weapons viable, balanced and fun (not just doing 80% of your damage purely with slow high damage auto attacks for little rage so you are just pressing a button once every 10 seconds).

I would like to see warrior get more group utility outside of just their shouts. With the devs and many players pretty stuck on the idea that warriors shouldnā€™t remain in their top spot so for the sake of keeping raid spots some extra aura or more long term buff we would give out would be nice.

Outside of that end game vanilla has lots of open world content and grinding, so more survivability would be really nice to avoid eating and first aiding constantly.

If Rage Normalisation comes in I would like to see more buffs some how to using 2H weapons. Iā€™ve enjoyed Arms being viable in PvE and would like to avoid the fast weapon fury build being the only viable option.

And then better damage and threat improvements for Prot, Prot spec has always been under used in classic/vanilla just due to low damage and threat. They did some changes in P3 but not enough to make it viable still, it needs something big to make it viable.

at this point before you start the fight you have to press like four-five buttons
charge, bshout, hamstring, rend, berserker rage (if flag) then you can start doing dmg

cmon, we donā€™t need more buttons to press, we need solid rage generation and mortal strike doing significant dmg, not 300 non crit

this entire class has to be reworked for sod standards:

  • 10 minute shouts, costing no rage, offgcd
  • charge and intercept stunning after you travel distance, not before
  • rage normalization
  • buff to dmg abilities along with rage normalization
  • second wind as passive healing

will that happen? Donā€™t think so.

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Yeah sadly this is where we are at and donā€™t think anything will change much

Just leveled up a warrior and regretting it

These guys are supposed to be the best in the industry, most experienced, highly trained, the most sought after talented employeeā€™s arenā€™t they?

But they need to go on X and ask players how to fix classā€™s?

Customer feed back is great, but this felt different, they should just put there hands up and say they have lost control of things and donā€™t know what to do, honesty gets you respect, even when you have messed up)

Retail tank is bust at the moment too, DH tank is massively OP compared to others

They canā€™t balance anything it seems, I have little hope of them doing anything significant to fix warriors with the time and resources they have available

Make me a Rune that turns me into a ranged juggernaut.

Heroicstrike-is now an aimed shot
Hamstring-is now a net
Mortal strike-throws your weapons on a target severly damaging them
Whirlwind-is now a multitarget ranged attack

etc. etc.

We already replaced by hunters, might aswell make the full transition!

Second wind and bladestorm would make things much much better.

12 points

Thatā€™s a bit too much here. 30% health on each stun/immobilize is god tier PvP passive.

Good our dmg is super low to compensate

Adding to that list

  • Separate cooldowns for Reck, Retaliate, and Shield Wall, and cooldowns at 3 minutes (just like shadow priest dispersion, etc, to be in line with other sod cooldowns)
  • A way to negate spell damage, either to reduce damage flat, temporary reduce, or reflect during X seconds
  • Intercept and Charge actually breaking slows, instead of you running to your target very slow
  • Abilities to gain and maintain threat much faster
  • Make the prot tree actually worth investing in, i want to see full prot warriors

Also warriors do not need rage normalization, it takes away from warrior being fun

My biggest issue with warriors right now is armor not working as it should. Iā€™ve tested multiple duels with melee classes and I was receiving same amount of damage with 3.5k or 5.1k armor. Please do some testing duels and see if I am right. I was getting 500-600 damage mutilates and up to 1k raptor strikes with shield on, on battle stance. (not Zerker, not Gladiator where damage taken is increased).

Based on the few duel tests Iā€™ve done, armor is not working for warriors. Iā€™m mainly only referring to abilities that go into the ā€œPhysicalā€ category of ā€œSchoolā€, not including 1.5k envenoms as those are considered ā€œNatureā€ school.

Please help test in duels and come back with your findings.

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