Hello there,
My name’s Dissension. Also known as Disso.
I’m a 23, almost 24 year old Warrior looking to smack content.
What am I looking for?
- I’m looking for a raiding guild that raids approximately 2-3 days a week with a good progression goal.
- I’m only unavailable on Tuesdays.
What can I offer?
- Im a friendly & social person. (I have a working mic and not I’m scared to use it)
- I love to help out people if I see improvement.
- I have high attendance, I love raiding so I don’t want to miss raids.

- I come prepared for fights that I’m unaware off.
- I have alot of raiding experience, hardcore raiding, social raiding, raidleading.
- I’ve raided on multiple classes:
Death Knight, all specs.
Warrior, arms & protection.
Druid, Guardian.
This expansion I’m playing Arms Warr and I love the class, I also have a Druid and Death Knight alt which are sitting at about 370 ilvl.
My warrior is currently at 402 ilvl.
Logs are available on WarcraftLogs, I’ve raided in 8.1 so select that please.
Why am I looking for a new raiding home?
- My current guild, where I have been an officer for over a year and over 2,5 years as member has disbanded their raid team due to lack of people.
- I want to continue raiding on a weekly basis.
Im currently playing on Tarren Mill Horde. I would prefer to stay on Tarren Mill, though if needed I can transfer realms. I don’t want to faction change.
Hope you are informed enough about me. Would you like to get more information about me? Feel free to contact me either in Discord or in WoW itself.
Discord: Dissonium#4552
BNet: Soul#2142
Hi Dissension,
Have a look and see if your interested I know your after a guild on tarren mill.
Guild & Server: [H] [Tarren Mill EU] Wednesday/Monday 8-11pm ST - Current Progression: 8/9HC, Needing Last Few Players To Start Mythic
Recruitment Contacts: Pipjim#6874 - Straa#5545 - Zren#3778 - Keta#9560
Needs: Priest Healer/Resto Shaman & 2 DPS. Link to are full recruitment post for more details [H] Tarren Mill - <Resurge> (3/9M, 2/2HC) Looking for 1 Healer and 1 DPS
Hey, thanks for replying. Unfortunately Im looking for a guild that’s already progressing in Mythic.
Good luck,
Nyx is a semi-hardcore Late Night mythic raiding guild that is looking for more players to fill up our mythic raiding roster. We are a group of raiders who have decided to band together and create this guild in order to be able to begin progression through this expansion together. We have varied experience from Vanilla content up to Legion.
We want to raid competitive and experience the endgame content respecting to people’s personal lives.
It is therefore crucial that when we raid so few hours, everyone is taking this seriously and being prepared!
As a new guild we are aiming for cutting edge this expansion, with existing cutting edge experience in our roster and lead team.
The guild is built and will be run on the 3 founding pillars namely efficiency, transparency and communication.We aim to have an efficient, light hearted meaningful progression in a relaxed raid environment is our main goal.
Raid Schedule
Raids per week: 3
Raid days: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays
Time: 22:45 - 01:30 Server time
Attendance: 90% required
Language: English
To know more about us and what we can provide and what we expect from you, please apply to our discord channel or get in contact with one of our recruitment officers through
Bnet Tag:
Lahoriman - Danman#21138
Lazerpray - Lazer#2711
[YouKnowWhatTheySay] 5/9M are recruiting to fill last few spots in roster.
About us : New guild made from people that have played together in previous expansions from multiple countries. We have a good amount of raiding experience at mythic level and all our dedicated raiders push top percentile logs. We are a very social guild outside of raid time and you will find us on discord most of the day. We also run mythic plus a lot pushing keys to high levels.
We are not a child friendly guild (20 years + only), and we are not for anyone that gets easily offended. We are very much up for fun and banter at all times, but we require serious attitudes when required especially in raids. To join us will be like joining a community.
What do we want : We are currently recruiting outstanding players for our mythic raid team. You must be able to listen, understand encounters, understand your class to a high level, not make multiple raid mechanic mistakes, be punctual at raid times, have a 90%+ turn up rate, and most importantly be able to access discord and communicate with the raid.
Classes we need : We currently have a high quality roster which we are looking to expand with high quality players of the following classes. We will of course consider incredible players of any class.
healers - Disc, MW Monk or Hpala; RDPS - Warlock,Boomkin; MPDS warrior
Raid times : We are currently raiding wednesday and sunday 20:00-23:30 server time for mythic progression. We have recently added Thursday as a 3rd raid day.
Contact : please use application form to apply
Application form - https:// goo.gl/forms/cpNdhhtONMieUJOO2
Contact in game - Marvzy, Biccy, Gamie Or contact via real ID - knighthawk#2772 / Gam#2434